(Program excerpts)
Dear Friends,
Welcome to our performance. When our Director, Tom Pedas, suggested that we perform Amahl and the Night Visitors as part of our Holiday Concert, I was not sure we could pull it off. However, after studying the script, and consulting with our officers, as one of our officers said, Cooool, we could do this!
We hope that Amahl will be an enlightening and positive educational experience for our younger audiences, and for some of us older folk that have had a minimal appreciation for Opera. This one act opera will touch every one of your emotions, and lift your holiday spirit. If it doesn't get you in the spirit, our more traditional second half of our concert will.
The Celebration Singers and their Friends have worked very hard to put this special concert together for you. There are so many people to thank, and so little space to do it in.
The Celebration Singers would like to give a very special thank you to costumer, Cindy Lahiff, for her wonderful designs and all she did to make them a reality.
Thanks to the parents that have helped the Celebration Singers Organization as ushers, chaperons, and ticket attendants. Thanks to the Cranford United Methodist Church for providing us with a rehearsal location, and allowing us to convert the Church Sanctuary into a theater.
Thanks to the officers of the Celebration Singers, who spent many weekend evenings, meeting and working to put all that you see here today. Thanks to all the lead performers for their extra time and commitment. And Finally, Thanks to Tom Pedas, who has blessed us with his dedication, commitment, and talent of musical direction, and who has led us through this fifth year of his directorship. Thanks, Tom!
It's your support that enables us to do all this and to continue our tuition free children's chorus program. So, on behalf of the Celebration Singers Organization, I thank you all for being here today and for your wonderful support.
Rick Marsden,
Behind the Scenes of Amahl
Assistant Musical Director: Omar Gardner Piano Accompanist: Conrad Erdt Choreographer: Barbara-Jude Greco Set Design: Rick Marsden Scenic Artists: Judy Turner, Ellen Pease Costume Design: Cindy Lahiff Production Coordinator: Eugene Kobliska Lighting: Eugene Kobliska, Rick Marsden Set Construction: Bill Ahern, Dennis Jenkins, Eugene Kobliska, Rick Marsden Props: Carmen Marinaro, Paul Sadowski, Manny Gonzalez, Maria Singer, Heather Crawford and Jeanne Woerner