Greetings! We are overjoyed that you took time out of your busy schedule to attend this evening's performance of "Wonders of the Holidays". It's always nice to know we have your support and we thank you for that. While we're in the thanking stage, our deepest thanks go out to everyone who helped to make this concert season possible the Board of Directors for their valuable time and effort, Tom for his dedication, commitment and musical direction, Conrad for his fine accompaniment, all adult members (especially the ones that continuously help out), the entire children's chorus, all committee members that helped behind the scenes, ushers, chaperones, ticket attendants, carpool drivers, parking lot attendants, and many others you've all been instrumental in some way. We're proud to report that our schedule has been quite booked. We performed at Watchung Stables on December 4th for the Union County Tree Lighting, and in Berkeley Heights on December 6th for their tree lighting as well. On Tuesday, December 15th we'll all be spreading cheer as we sing holiday carols throughout the halls of Overlook Hospital. The next few months are sure to remain busy as we start up rehearsals for our Spring concert and begin preparing for and publicizing our 60th year in providing musical entertainment for people in need. It is our hope to keep up this community service in the millennium, as we continue to give meaningful direction to the youth through our "tuition free" children's choral program. Please accept our sincere wish for a harmonious holiday season.
Dennis Jenkins, President
Celebrate Kwanzaa Mi Zeh Y'maleil (Sephardic Chanukah Song)
When I Lay Me Down To Sleep Jingle Bell Swing
Betelehemu (Nigerian Carol) Let There Be Peace on Earth
News articles relating to Wonders of the Holidays
Director: Tom Pedas |