The Celebration Singers and Children's Choirs
Sean Berg - Adult Choir Director
Tom Pedas - Children's Choir Director

[Celebration 70]

[Celebration Singers with Armed Forces]
Linden High School ROTC color guard join the celebration as Tom Pedas conducts The Celebration Singers Adult and Children's Choirs
singing "Armed Forces Salute" arr. Joyce Eilers.

[Celebration Singers- Part I]
Celebration Children's Chorus — Tom Pedas, Music Director
Bist Du Bei Mir, Johann Sebastian Bach; Music Down in my Soul, arr. Moses Hogan;
Send in the Clowns (from "A Little Night Music"), Stephen Sondheim;
Sometimes When We Touch, BarryMann/Pedas/Populios; Goodbye Song, Jester Hairston;

[Celebration Singers Adult Choir]
Celebration Singers Adult Choir — Sean Berg, Music Director
Cry Out and Shout, Knut Nystedt; Christus factus est, Anton Bruckner; I Dream a World, Andre Thomas; The Battle of Jericho, Moses Hogan;
Sicut Locutus Est, from Magnificat, Johann Sebastian Bach; Wanting Memories, Ysaye Barnwell; In My Life, Lennon/McCartney, arr. Steve Zegree;
Prayer of the Children, Kurt Bestor, arr. Andrea S. Klouse; Precious Lord, Thomas A Dorsey; New York State of Mind, Billy Joel, arr. Steve Zegree;
Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen, Heinrich Isaac; My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord, Moses Hogan

[Young Men's Ensemble]
Celebration Young Men's Ensemble — Tom Pedas, Music Director
Coney Island Baby/We all Fall Medley, arr. SPEBSQSA; I Wish I was Single Again, arr: John Ricketts

[Celebration Singers - Part II]
Celebration Children's Choir — Tom Pedas, Music Director
Mary Poppins Medley, Richard Sherman; Electricity from "Billy Elliot", Elton John;
Favorite Son from "Will Rogers Follies", Betty Comdoen and Adolph Green;

Tom Pedas, The Celebration Singers and Children's Chorus



Tom Pedas