Hello out there!
The Singers are about to take you on a stroll through the years, stopping to pay tribute to some of the memorable names in music
Duke Ellington, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Billy Joel, Gershwin, Bach, Beethoven and more!
This concert is very special to us and there are several valid reasons as to why. The new millennium is very much in sight and one cannot help but get excited about that. We are celebrating our 60th Anniversary this year! As part of the Celebration, we've invited alumni back to join us on stage in singing our final number, God Bless America. And to help further commemorate this occasion, we've commissioned Matt Sklar to compose a song especially for our group. Matt is currently Broadway's youngest conductor (was Associate Conductor for Titanic, the musical) and is originally from Westfield, NJ. This song titled, A Valediction, will be sung for the very first time during our Friday Performance.
We are pleased that you took time out of your busy schedule to attend this evening's performance of "Music and the Millennium". It's always nice to know we have your support and we thank you for that.
Thanks to everyone who helped to make this concert season possible the Board of Directors for their valuable time and effort, Tom for his dedication, commitment and musical direction, Conrad for his fine accompaniment, all adult members (especially the ones that continuously help out), the entire children's chorus, all committee members that helped behind the scenes, ushers, chaperones, ticket attendants, carpool drivers, parking lot attendants, and many others you've all been instrumental in some way.
Enjoy the show and have a great summer!
Dennis Jenkins, President
Lori E. Theiss, Vice President