[Linden Chorus]

Linden (New Jersey) Public Schools

See also Tom Pedas at Cranford Public Schools

Tom Pedas at Linden Public Schools

Music Director (1973-1988)
High School Vocal Music Director (1983-1988)
Director of Concert Choir, Boys Choir, Girls Choir and Madrigal Singers (Ninth through twelfth grades)
Vocal Music Director of High School Musicals (1983-1988)
Director of Gifted and Talented Music Program (Fourth through eighth grades)
Teacher of Music (1973-1983)
General music, chorus and recorder ensemble (First through sixth grades)
Teacher of Title I Summer Program (1974-1979)
Teaching basic skills through music

[Linden High School Choir]

[Linden High School Choir - Montreal] [Linden High School Choir - Washington]

[Madrigals]  [Madrigals]
County Leader Newspapers - May 14, 1987

Madrigals Chosen

The Linden High School Madrigal Singers, under the direction of Tom Pedas, have been chosen to represent Union County in the state Teen Arts Festival. The Madrigal Singers, will be performing at the Linden High School Spring Concert Tuesday at 8 p.m. The concert will also feature the school boys choir, the girls choir and the concert choir. Featured soloists will be Allison Frazier, Patrick A. Young, Khayan Garner, Kevin Brady, Jonathan Parham, Dionne Jennings, David Valian, Mike Gallo and Joanne Caravanno.

Top Awards

Linden — Linden High School's Concert Choir and Madrigal Singers took top awards at a Newport, R.I. heritage music competition recently. While both groups won first place and superior ratings, the madrigals collected the highest overall score of the festival. From left, are director Tom Pedas and students James Parham, Nancy Pohl and Omar Garner.

Tom Pedas, The Celebration Singers and Children's Chorus


e-mail Tom Pedas at: