Cranford Repertory Theatre Co.
proudly presents

[ Cindy - costumes]


Tom Pedas — Director/Musical Director
Orange Avenue School, Cranford, New Jersey
March 22, 23, 29, 30, 2003.
Sponsored by Temple Beth-El Mekor Chayim.

[Cindy - costumes]


[ Livery]  [Dunlop's Grocery]  [Library]  [Library]  [Barber]  [Billard Parlor]

[River City]  [ Candy Kitchen]  [ Footbridge]

The Music Man

Director/Musical Director: Tom Pedas
Choreographer: Cindy Smith
Choreographer Assistants: Kristin Baldoni & Christine Petillo
Costume Designer: Cindy Lahiff
Producers: Murray Rose & Stephen Solomon
Lighting Design/Stage Manager: Mark Reilly
Set Design: Tony Smith Sr., & Ellen Pease
Props: Judy Fraser

Costumes: Cindy Lahiff
Photography: Tony Smith Sr., Patricia Werscholz
Playbill: Steven Kohn
Props: Judy Fraser, Angela DeChillo, Ceil Coglianes, Mary Beth Collier
Publicity: Patricia Werscholz
Sound: Joe Baldoni
Make-Up: Megan Muckelmann, Tony Smith, Jr.

Rehearsal Accompanist: Fran Engleman
Set Construction: Tony Smith, Sr., Murray Rose, Steve Spinosa, Bob Cowan
Scenic Artists: Ellen Pease, Ellen Hess, Bob Cowan, Judy Turner, V. Gene Myers
Lighting: Nick Boyer, PJ Russo
Sound: Tony Smith,Sr., Joe Baldoni
Production Manager & Ticket Sales: Sidney Solomon
Stage Crew: Alex Califf, Jessica Egan, Sara Egan,
Dan Frieri, Anthony Giacone, Zoe Hess, Kevin Rumsie, Tom Sheridan

Cranford Repertory Theatre — Board of Directors

President — Cindy Smith
Vice-President — Tony Smith, Sr.
Treasurer — Angela DeChillo
Secretary — Kristen Baldoni
Members — Mary Ellen Spinosa, Steven Spinosa

This arts program is made possible in part by a Heart Grant from the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders. NY

[CRT logo] The Cranford Repertory Theatre not only provides top rate, Broadway-quality shows, but also makes a real contribution to the community...and strives to make a difference, both artistically and philanthropically. It is a non-profit organization. At the end of each performance, donations are collected for an outreach that has been chosen specifically for that particular show. The Outreach for The Music Man is the Boys and Girls Clubs of Union County.

Special Thanks to Ed Egan (for the truck); Tom Sicola (for help with the Boys band; Bruce Denmead (for "all the extra" things you did for the show); to Steven Kohn and Doug Brown (for help with the quartet) to Target of Clark (for your support) and to Temple Beth-El Mekor Chayim for letting us do what we like to do best

  • Page 1 — The Music Man
  • Page 2 — The Music Man —The Songs
  • Page 3 — The Music Man— Behind the Scenes

  • Index
    Tom Pedas, The Celebration Singers and Children's Chorus


    e-mail Tom Pedas at: