Farrell Area School District

Our Administrators

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South Sharon (Farrell) High School

[FHS Directors]
The first Board of Education

Following the incorporation of South Sharon as a borough in December, 1901, a Board of Education composed of W. F. Anderson, president, E. E. Clepper, secretary,C.M. Kester, treasurer, August Daurelle, and C. H. Ingles, with James Pierce as solicitor, was organized. This executive body, seeing the necessity for some institution of learning more appropriate than the small one-room buildings then being used as grade school buildings, executed plans for the erection of the Lincoln Building in 1902 and the Washington Building in 1903, and the erection of a high school in 1908 at the corner of Fruit Avenue and Haywood Street.

The newly built high school opened on Dec 8, 1908 as South Sharon High School and was renamed Farrell High School in 1912.

The School Board who were responsible for the first high school were Dr. W. G. Berryhill, president, Archie R. Maxwell, secretary, William J. Griffiths, treasurer, John H. Dickason, Dan J. Levy, George L.L. Davis, J. Frank Fowler.

Note: The above photo was submitted by Pearl Fowler Gossack (FHS '45). Her grandfather, J. Frank Fowler, is pictured above. Pearl's mother, Pearl Fowler Bartholomew, an alumna of the class of 1923, told her that the occasion for the photo was the opening of the high school. Mrs. Bartholomew taught in the Farrell Public Schools from 1929 until her retirement in 1959.

Ode to Our Administrators
(published in the 1959 Farrell High School Reflector)

These are the people who follow the rule
To guide the students, and govern the school.
Giving to each a mark, or goal
For all to strive — no matter what role
That each may seek. And the spirit to know
That rightness and effort will make it so.
Our thanks to each for the job he has done
In making our stay a pleasant one
In the building that Farrell built.

These pages are dedicated to the trustees of our education. We pay tribute to them for the character and the excellence of the standards they set. We, their beneficieries, recognize their initiative, foresight, perserverance and indefatigable efforts to educate Farrell's youth. We cherish their legacy and vow to continue the course they set…


High School Principals

Junior High School Principals

  • John Hetra

  • Louis Sarcinella —

  • George Roskos Jr. — 1967 to 1968


Board of Education

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[Haywood Hollow - 1910]

[Under Construction]
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A message from the Pedas Family
Any errors on these pages are unintentional. We welcome suggestions and contributions. Contact George Pedas. We are indebted to Ted Pedas for his generous funding of this project and to Kathy Pedas for her efforts in preparing the archival files. All rights reserved.   Contact Ted Pedas .