Professor J. M. Hostetter The rapid growth of South Sharon's steel making community emphasized the need for additional schools; consequently the Board of Education of 1907 took action and built a new South Sharon High School on the corner of Fruit Avenue and Haywood Street. This large modern buff brick structure consisting of twelve classrooms, auditorium, gymnasium, and offices was officially dedicated on December 8, 1908. The high school faculty had been increased to six teachers to include Miss Helen Reed, Miss Vida Pearl Watson, and Miss Margaret K. Lester. W. D. Shellenberger was principal and J. M. Hostetter was superintendent of schools. The school board responsible for this forward stride in the improvement of the borough's educational system consisted of Dr. W. G. Berryhill, president; A.R. Maxwell, secretary; W. J. Griffith, treasurer; John H. Dickason, D. J. Levy, George L. Davis and J. Frank Fowler.
It was written by Mr. H. S. Bovard, the President of the Board of Education,
May we turn back in thought to the Fall of 1901 when the first school building was erected at Wallis and French Streets, and was called the North-Side School (Lincoln School). This building, along with a two-room frame building on Spearman Avenue, near Haywood Street, housed the our first schools.
These schools were followed by the erection of the Central School, now named the Washington Building, which is located on Wallis Avenue, near Haywood Street. In 1907, the contract was let for the erection of a high school building.
Owing to the fact that our three year high school course was changed to a four year course, no class was graduated in 1908. Up to the present time, the number of graduates has increased from three in 1904, to ninety-six in 1926, which fact shows clearly how the population has increased. The task for the Board of Education to provide the necessary buildings and equipment to take care of the large increase in the number of students has grown proportionally, indicting that parents and students generally appreciate the value of a good education. We have made splendid progress and look forward to still better and greater achievements in the future.
Mr. Burbank, with his skill, was able to improve plants to the extent of astonishing the world. Just so, can our teachers, with the wonderful material they possess, develop and build up character in those who are to be our future citizens.