Ted Pedas Planetarium
Farrell Area School District
1600 Roemer Blvd.
Farrell, Pennsylvania 16121
E-mail George Pedas



[Pedas Family]

To our Farrell friends, neighbors and colleagues,

[George Pedas] [George at the Planetarium] My siblings and I, the children of Greek immigrant parents, are proud citizens of Farrell, Pennsylvania. We remain grateful to our community and the educators from whose efforts we benefited.

To celebrate our city's centennial year (1901 - 2001) we have assembled a history of Farrell Pennsylvania,   Farrell Schools,   FASD TeachersAdministrators and FASD Alumni from 1904 to the present. As a family of educators we felt obligated to include a Centennial Quiz to highlight fascinating Farrell facts.

I am especially indebted to my brother Ted for his historic perspective (and his generous funding of this project) and to my wife, Kathy, for undertaking the brave task of compiling a century of Farrell High School alumni lists.

Every student is a future community leader who will change what the experience is going to be for those who come after. We invite you to visit our high school's graduates from 1904 to the present. You will recognize the names of so many who returned to became Farrell's dedicated teachers, principals, superintendents, community leaders and our neighbors. The success of FHS students is a testament to the positive and lasting influence their education had on their lives.

Click on the site below to revisit school chums, memorable teachers, and the extraordinary leaders of our schools and community whose vision created the environment in which we have flourished.

May our Farrell web site be a means of bringing back, and preserving, fond memories of days gone by.

George Pedas
FHS '59