FASD — 1929 Alumni Archives

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The 1929 Reflector
13th Annual Commencement Edition
A Tribute to the Class of 1929

We praise you, Class of “Farrell High”
For courage that will never die;
For sportsmanship you've shown each day;
For trials met without dismay.

And as you leave these sacred halls
For broader ones, where duty calls,
May wisdom guide you all along
And make you noble, brave, and strong.

May your great Class of “Twenty-nine”
Upon the page of history shine;
And may your record through the years
Be one that “Farrell High” reveres!

[Student Signatures]

Class signatures

The Dedication of Our New Athletic Field

[Athletic Field ]

September 22, 1928 will live long in the memories of all residents of Farrell, the Alumni, and the students of Farrell High School. On that memorable day the people of Farrell presented a modern athletic field to Farrell High School, in proud recognition of the high ideals of clean living and fine sportsmanship which have always characterized the students of their high school, whether in the class room, on the basketball court, or upon the gridiron.

The field was formally dedicated with all the ceremonies appropriate to such a gala occasion. However, the chief feature of the day was the parade sponsored by our Alumni. Favored with the setting of a resplendent, blazing Indian summer day, it was certainly equal, if not actually superior, in both glamour and size, to any parade previously staged in Farrell.

[1929 Cheerleaders] The procession was headed by an honorary escort of four stalwart motorcycle officers, with Parade Marshalls, McConnon, and Maxwell, efficiently directing its progress with the aid of two trimly decorated topless roadsters. They were closely followed by the Sharon Moose Band, blaring forth strains of martial melodies, the municipal fire trucks occasionally sounding their brazen bells, scores of automobiles gaily bedecked with blue and gold banners and streamers, several collegiate flivvers packed with cheering and yelling students — all contributing generously to the tremendous din. Next in order came the Sharon American Legion Bugle and Drum Corps, led by their inimitable drum major; all were clad in uniforms of such resplendency as to surpass anything before seen in Farrell. Marching closely behind came countless students carrying banners and an unlimited supply of unique noise-making devices. The route follwed by the parade was lined on both sides by practically the entire population of the town, hugely enthusiastic in their applause and encouragement.

Upon arriving at the field, the Bugle and Drum Corps gave a thrilling exhibition of military maneuvers, after which Burgess Scowden and President Bovard of the School Board gave brief, appropriate talks. Upon their conclusion, a volley of aerial bombs touched off burst into a blaze of blue and bold.

The closing feature of the afternoon's brilliant program was the dedication game with a team bearing the appropriate name of Memorial High, with the Blue and Gold of Farrell playing, for the first time, the part of host on its new home grounds. The game ended in a 12 to 0 victory in favor of the Ohio team. Thus, the final curtain was rung down. With the sun setting in a blaza of golden glory, it seemed to pesage a new era in athletics for Farrell High School.

[1928 Football Squad] 

[Superintendent William W. Irwin 1926-1940]
Farrell High School

Class of 1929

[FHS Principal W. R Anderson 1928-1945]
[Class of 1929 A-K]
[1929 Class Officers]

Esther E. Adler
Michael Amico
William J. Andrew
Andrew Andrusky, Jr.
Irene Antal
Bernice Arkwright
Ora R. Armour
Leonard Baird — Vice President
Louis Basta
Peter Bauer — President
Victoria Berkon
Lillian K. Berkowitz
Lucille Bernard
Geraldine M. Bianco
Sophia M. Blazavitch
Harry Bleier
Edward Bobby
Jennie Bobby
Paul Bobish
John Bogdan
Earl H. Boyles
Elizabeth R. Brown
Dorothy Burgoon
Ethel V. Burok
Jessie Caminiti
Elizabeth Cantelupe
Rose V. Carine
M. Gladys Carrell
Margaret D. Chesmar
Walter C. Chestnut
Irene Collins
Gabriel Dangelo
Robert Darlington
Daniel Emerich
John G. Fabian
John Fecik
E. Wendell Fish
Louis Galizia
Sydney Gelfand
William Felix Grande
Isabel Greenbaum
Rose Greenberger
Wilfred Gully
Laura Hausman
Dan Heagney
Edward Henning
Margaret B. Holop
Olive Huffman — Secretary
Bernard Kabakov
John H. Kerins

[Virginia Kerins]

Virginia Kerins
Michael Klamer
Fred Krauss
Margaret Kudray
Mary H. Kustron
Mildred A. Kutnak
Alfred La Camera
Nicholas Ladzevich
Andrew E. Latsko
Margaret Latsko
Joseph Limpar
Delmas Llewellyn
Mary Luther
Edward Malsom
Bessie Mae Mason
Sarah J. Mason
George S. McCartney
Anthony Mickniewicz
Anna L. Mihoc
August Miller
Stephen Miller, Jr.
Naomi R. Morgan
John S. Mrozek
Catherine Munro
Anes T. Nader
Nettie Neiman
Max Newman
Albert Paldino
Violet E. Pannuto
George B. Perrine
Margaret Phillips
Anna M. Pintar
Marie C. Province
James Rio
Sophie P. Rybicka
George Sage
Lucy M. Sarcinella
Morris Schermer
Alfred J. Schwartz
Herbert Simmons
Sydney Solomon
Josephine Stefanowicz
Mary Stepanchak
Theresa Stone
Sophia Szatkowski
Anna Vrbanich
William J. Wachter
Joseph Wanic
Clara May Wasser
Nellie Mae Wayne
Mary Anita Wetherstein
George Wiley
Myer M. Zukerman


[1929 Board of Directors]


[Class of 1929 L-Z]

A message from the Pedas Family
Any errors on these pages are unintentional. We welcome suggestions and contributions. Contact George Pedas. We are indebted to Ted Pedas for his generous funding of this project and to Kathy Pedas for her efforts in preparing the archival files. All rights reserved.   Contact Ted Pedas .