FASD — 1937 Alumni Archives

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[Reflector 1937] [FHS Principal W. R Anderson 1928-1945]

The Reflector, Volume Twenty-one
Published by the Class of 1937, Farrell High School Farrell, Pennsylvania

Greetings to the Alunmi
Superintendent, William W. Irwin

[Superintendent William W. Irwin 1926-1940] I am pleased to have this opportunity to extend greetings to the 2085 men and women who have been graduated from the Farrell High School.

The first commencement exercises were held in 1904 when a class of three were graudated. At the close of the school year 1936-1937, two-hundred thirty-five young men and women will receive diplomas.

The graduates of the Farrell High School are now engaged in industry, in business, in the professions, in politics, and in home making. Many of you have attained prominence in your chosen field of labor. All of you, I am sure, are better citizens, and are rendering a greater service to the community in which you live and labor because you have had the advantages of a high school education. Hundreds of you continued your education through higher institutions of learning, preparing you for teaching, for law, for medicine, for dentistry, for journalism, or one of the many other vocations.

At the beginning of the present century, few boys and girls remained in school after completing the eighth grade. At the present time few boys and girls quit before graduating from high school.

I congratulate you men and women who were wise enough to avail yourselves of the opportunities to secure a secondary school education. I trust that your school has exerted a lasting influence on your character, that it has helped you to appreciate the most worthwhile things in life, and made you better able to secure them; and that your entire experience in this school will always be a source of general satisfaction to you.

William W. Irwin, Superintendent of Schools

Farrell High School

Class of 1937

Mary Adamchik
Ray Adams
Samuel Affronte
Lindo Agosti
Antoinette Agresti
Dorothy Aleksa
Josephine Alongi
Hazel M. Alsnauer
John Amico
George Andrusky
Raymond Anric
Thomas H. Armstrong
Velma Babnis
Pete Bakmaz
Steve F. Baldosky
William H. Bartel
Mary Bellich
Dorothy R. Bender
Nellie A. Berkos
Harriet Berman
Bessie E. Biege
Thelma Blair
Eleanor Blasdell
Chester Blazavitch
Mary Ann Blazavitch
Marie Bleier
Paul L. Bobby
Charles Bordy
Margaret Borsewitz
Charles H. Bowman
Violet G. Bruce
Charles Brysh
Jennie M. Cannone
Samuel A. Capson
Charles A. Charriere
Yvonne Charriere
Helen R. Cole
John A. Crago
Nina M. Crivello
Mary Curtician
Arthur R. Davies
M. Elizabeth Davis
Rose M. Derloni
Frank Desput
Nicholas V. Di Cello
Albert G. Di Feo
Myron J. Dmohoski
John Dobresk
Collins Drake, Jr.
John Duby
Dorothy I. Dunkerley
M. Arlene Duritsa — Secretary
Mary G. Egolf
Frances Eisenberg
Katherine R. Emerich
Betty Jane Evans
Madalon U. Evans
Dorothy B. Feigert
Ann Fencyk
Catherine Fencyk
Mary Jane Foster
Jack Fowler
Florence Frantz
Alice Virginia Fuqua
Herman Furlan
Marie Pearl Gaydek
Shirley Gelber
Bessie Gelfand
Catherine M. Grudenich
Eva Marie Guanciale
Joseph A. Gugliotta
Anna M. Hall
Frances B. Harenchar
Agnes M. Havrilla
Jennie Hench
Marjorie V. Higgins
Margaret Hlas
George Hnida
Betty M. Hoak
Mabel D. Holby
William J. Horton, Jr.
Annie L. Hosey
George B. Hoza
Alfred C. Hunter
Joanne J. Janusko
Pete Jarocki
Elvin Jefferson
Sara Jesano
Edmund A. Karolewski
Anna A. Kavulla
John L. Kelly
Larry C. Kerins
Charles Kerlek, Jr.
John Keul
Mary Kmetz
Violet M. Knezevich
Eleanor J. Kozar
George Krayniak
Stephen M. Kristonko
Catherine Kubyako
Stella Kuczynska
Thomas W. Kunkel — President
Agnes Latsko
M. Elizabeth Lienberger
Chester Linonis
Wilma Mae Lloyd
Pete Losik
Carl Low
Julia Luther
Helen Mack
John Macuski
John Madura
Albert Malarchick
Vincent Marimpietri
John Marinovich
Mary Marinovich
Mary C. Markich
John N. Marovich
Charles Mason
Tenoria Maykowski
Thelma Jane McDougall
Marguerite G. Mehler
Jeannette J. Messina
Theodora W. Metz
Angeline L. Miletta
Mona La Rue Milliron
Angelina T. Mindicino
Pete Mirizio
Sophie Miros
Wanda Mitcheltree
Jennie Moldovan
Margaret Ann Monteson
Rose Moore
Thomas A. Moore
Florence Morocco
Louis Morocco
Chris Mouganis
Budder Nader
Raja C. Nader
Lilyan Nathan
Joseph O'Dal
Rudolph Orben
Dolores A. Ordish
Ann Paczak
John Palis
Helen V. E. Palko
Charles H. Payton
Amelia Pellis
Priscilla Phillips
Carmen Pipicella
Paul Popodak
Sylvia Popovich
Victor Popovich
Frances D. Potts
Rose P. Potts
Mary J. Prezioso
Victoria Pritz
Sydney Prizant
John T. Rakoci
Pete Raykovich
Joseph J. Reda
Frances Redfoot
Kenneth Reitler
Emma Repas
Irene Klapack Repas
Edward Robich
Clarence Robinson
Sarah Robson
Frank A. Rock
Leonard Rosenberg
Mildred B. Rosenberg
Josephine E. Ruby
Martin Rupert
Anna F. Russ
Paul J. Sabo
Regina Saborsky
Alfred Santell
Mary Sarcinella
Estelle Saunders
Jennie Scardina
Esther Schermer
Irene Sebastian
Doris E. Secoff
Thomas Sed
Michael J. Serrian
Robert A. Shaffer
Harry R. Sherwood
Matthew Skiljo
Andrew S. Smegal
Mildred Solomon
Leo Somich
Edward N. Stanger
Constance Staunch
Anna Steverson
Joseph J. Stokosky
Elizabeth M. Sucza
Mary Catherine R. Suhe
Edward Supel
Louella Sweeney
Raymond Swiecinski
Eugene F. Szmyd
Albert J. Tarcy
Michael Tatusko
Milton Randolph Taylor
Gertrude Thomas
James W. Thomas
Howard O. Thompson
George Thut, Jr.
David Tinley, Jr. — Vice President
Francis R. Tobias
Anna E. Toperzer
Helen Trier
Filomena Tucci
Ernest Turanyi
Mildred Turzak
Nellie Validzich
George Viconovic
Kathleen Vlad
William Vlaskovich
Andrew J. Volansky
Ihrie Voshell
Walter Wachter
Mike Waliga
Bertha D. Wansovitz
Olga Warobiew
Johnnie Bell Washington
Gotthold Hugo Weidhaas
Elizabeth J. Wetherstein
Elma L. Williams
Evan John Williams
Morgan David Williams
Llewellyn Williams
Warren H. Williams
Grace Wonner
Rosalie Yandrich
Priscilla Zappa
Elizabeth Zarella
Julia Zipay
Arthur Zoldan
Algird J. Zukas

[Under Construction]
Class photos to be posted.

A message from the Pedas Family
Any errors on these pages are unintentional. We welcome suggestions and contributions. Contact George Pedas. We are indebted to Ted Pedas for his generous funding of this project and to Kathy Pedas for her efforts in preparing the archival files. All rights reserved.   Contact Ted Pedas .