"Stella Oceanis"
Cruise Schedule
ECLIPSE AT SEA: The August 11, 1999 total eclipse of the sun will be observed at sea from the decks of the liner Stella Oceanis. The eclipse viewing location will be approximately 43° North Latitude, 28° East Longitude, with the sun's altitude at 58°. Duration of totality will be 2 minutes and 21 seconds.
Black Sea Eclipse '99 Voyage to Darkness Stella Oceanis |
Dr. Bob Berman Astronomer Bob Berman is well known to the 5 million readers of Discover magazine. His Night Watchman column has appeared each month since 1990. |
Bonnie Gordon Bonnie Gordon, editor of Astronomy magazine, has worked in science journalism for 20 years, writing and editing in fields that have taken her from the depths of the oceans to the edges of the galaxy. |
Dr. Warren M. Young Warren M. Young, Professor of Astronomy at Youngstown State University, is a specialist in solar system astronomy and has sailed both hemispheres to point out the wonders of the skies to thousands of cruise passengers. His enthusiasm to communicate the wonders of the universe and his expertise combine to make everyone take notice of what's happening in the sky. |
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Cruise-Only Rates - From $1288
E-mail: Ted Pedas mpedas@ix.netcom.com |