News Archives
Pedas - Sigler Astronomy Theme Cruises and Expeditions
Let There Be Darkness, Please
New York Times
In Joy Still Felt
Eclipse Cruise
Isaac Asimov
Rare Eclipse Sweeps Across Width of Africa
New York Times
Five Hundred Eclipse Groupies Follow The Sun to Totality
Molly Ivins, The New York Times
Learning Among the Ruins
Associated Press
An Astronomical Adventure at Sea - The Total Solar Eclipse of June 30, 1973
Mercury - George O. Abell
How 'Olympia' Found the Eclipse
The Oak Ridger
Scientists Improvise Heart Device at Sea
New York Times
"This Is It!" Totality at Last! Viewing a Total Eclipse 900 Miles Out in the Atlantic
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Two Minutes...Of Splendor
The Shreveport Journal
Taking in the Eclipse, 1972: A Slow Boat to Nova Scotia
The Grand Rapids Press
Voyage to Darkness II
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
700 Eclipse Buffs Go Far for Photos
The Hartford Courant
Total Eclipse of Sun in Pacific Is Seen by Only a Few
The New York Times
Total Eclipse Casts Two Minutes of Darkness in West
The New York Times
Launching the World's First Eclipse Cruise was Not Smooth Sailing
Cruising for Comets
Daily News
Comet-chasing specialty cruise hopes to eclipse competitors
Arizona Republic
Today in Yucatan, there's a dance with the Sun
Youngstown Vindicator
Chasing the sun ignited a new career for Pedas
Astronomer-turned-travel agent eclipses doubters on high seas
Sharon Herald
Eclipses in History: Fear to Fascination From Archilochus to Carly Simon
Voyages to Darkness
Partial List of articles
Ted Pedas
Philanthropist, Educator, Planetarium Director
Voyages to Darkness
outside links
Val and Alan's Asian Eclipse'95
Voyage to Darkness
aboard the Marco Polo
Ted Pedas Links
News articles Astronomy Theme Cruises
Pedas Astronomy Cruises - In search of Eclipses
The saga of launching the first eclipse cruise.
Biographies Enrichment Lecture Staff
Ted Pedas Planetarium
News Articles Ted Pedas
Pedas family web site
E-mail Ted Pedas