[Bobbsey Twins In a TV Mystery Show] [Marcy and Bobbsey Twins]
The Bobbsey Twins in a TV Mystery Show
by Laura Lee Hope
Grosset & Dunlap
New York 1975

When Marcy Sigler, a public relations agent for Globe Studios, escorts the Bobbsey Twins to California to be in a television show, they have no idea they will find a mystery awaiting them.

[Bobbsey Twins on the Sun Moon Cruise] [Mr. Phil slumps to the floor]
The Bobbsey Twins On The Sun-Moon Cruise
by Laura Lee Hope
Grosset & Dunlap
New York 1975

The Bobbsey Twins join Mr. Phil and his wife on a cruise to see the total eclipse of the sun.

Note: The authoress of the Bobbssey Twins, Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys series was a passenger aboard the Pedas-Sigler 1973 African Eclipse Cruise.

Publications — Marcy Pedas Sigler

Links — Marcy Pedas Sigler

E-mail:   Marcy Pedas Sigler — mpedas@ix.netcom.com