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![]() The lives of Angeline Havas Pedas and her sister Rodopi Havas Angelidis were shaped by historical events including the 1920's influenza pandemic which killed their mother, World Wars I and II and Greece's political and economic upheavals. Working 12 hour days for less than 15 cents an hour they labored at open hearth furnaces which belched out smoke producing molten iron ore used to make steel for the manufacture of goods such as automobiles, kitchen utensils, radios, refrigerators and a steady stream of war supplies for the world wars raging in Europe. We honor our forbears. Their courage and sacrifice launched us, their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren into a world of unprecedented opportunities. Their odyssey continues through us.
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A journey from Lemnos, Greece to Western Pennsylvania
![]() The Havas family was from Androni near Petasos the mountain from which legend has it the women of Limnos hurled their hapless husbands into the sea. They also lived in the capital Mirina (Kastro) which is the island's main town and harbour. It has retained its ancient name, taken from one of the Amazons. Overlooking Mirina's enchanted bay are the ruins of a Venetian castle where once stood a temple to Artemis. Limnos was occupied by the Turks until 1912 when it was liberated by the Greeks. Despite living under the yoke of Turkish occupation for 500 years (Turkey at that time was known as the Ottomon Empire) the tenacious Limnians retained their Hellenic identity and Orthodox Christian religion. Except for the German occupation between 1941 and 1944 during World War II, Limnos has since remained part of Greece. From 1476 life under Turkish Ottomon rule was hopeless. They paid their taxes and labored, hopeing for nothing more than the means of subsistence from year to year. In its modern history, the battle of Limnos, which took place in its waters in 1913, during the Balkan War, was the event that liberated Limnos from Turkish domination. In 1920 Limnos became part of Greece. Greek families purchased their lands and homes from the departing Turks. The Havas vineyards "horafia" in Mirina along the beach owned by the Havas family were subsequently purchased by the Swiss who built expensive tourist bungalows. The price to George Havas family was $4,000.00 US dollars
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Androni, Limnos Greece ![]()
Born in 1889 Georgios Athanasios Havas was one of fourteen children,
seven of whom survived. His father, Athanasios, who died young had married his mother, Angeliki, when she was 14 years of age. Their seven surviving children
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From Limnos, Greece to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania On May 1, 1907 Georgios (George) Havas boarded the 5,633 ton SS Madonna in Naples arriving in steerage New York harbor on May 17. The ship's passenger manifest notes that Georgios Havas was a farm laborer, age 18, who was able to read but not write. He was a citizen of Limnos, Turkey (Greece was under Turkish occupation) who had been born in Androni (Mirina). He was unmarried. He vouched that he was neither a polygamist nor an anarchist. The condition of his mental and physical health was listed as 'good' and he had no visible marks of identification. His height was 5 feet 4 inches. The sum of money in his possession was $5.00. His final destination was Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he would live with his brother Michalis Havas at 228 3rd Avenue. Their brother, Demitrios Havas, joined them, at age 18, in May 1910 arriving in the United States from Patras, Greece aboard the Themistocles.
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The dowry has been a Greek staple since Homeric times. The task of raising the dowry fell to fathers and brothers. Often a son's duty was to emigrate abroad to raise a dowry (prika) for his sister(s). Thereafter he was free to marry and begin his own life. Costas Cacalis arranged the marriage (proxinia) of his young sister Mercina Cacalis to Georgios Athanasios Havas. He paid for her shipboard passage from Greece to Western Pennsylvania. On May 31, 1916 Costas Cacalis married off his sister, Mercina Cacalis, to his friend, Georgios Athanasios Havas. Georgios Havas secured employment in the riverfront area of New Kensington, Pennsylvania where in 1888 the world's leading aluminium company, the Pittsburgh Reduction Company (Alcoa), produced its first aluminum. Aluminium, an abundant element in the earth's crust, was rare in its free form and difficult to separate from the rocks it was part of. Ancient Greeks used salts from this metal in dyeing and as astringents for dressing wounds. The invention of the process of isolating aluminium created an industrial metal suitable for commercial use. This spawned the factories and jobs which lured immigrants such as Georgios and Mercina Havas with the promise of a good life for themselves and their newborn daughters Angeliki (1917) and Rodopi (1918). The Havas family lived in a rented room at 8th Street and Fourth Avenue in New Kensington's industrial section a few blocks from the Allegheny River. Their future was full of promise.
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The epidemic began with a cough at an Army base in Kansas and spread across the globe. In the two years that this scourge ravaged the earth, a fifth of the world's population was infected by the deadly virus. It infected 28% of all Americans. World War I claimed an estimated 16 million lives. The influenza epidemic that swept the world in 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people. Of the U.S. soldiers who died in Europe, half of them fell to the influenza virus and not to the enemy. The virus was not discriminatory. Young and old, the weak and the strong - if they contracted that particular strain of the virus, dubbed the Spanish influenza, their chances of living were greatly reduced. Funeral directors couldn't keep up with the death toll, and carpenters were behind on building caskets. For days bodies were stacked without coffins on trucks because they couldn't be buried. Undertakers couldn't even get the bodies embalmed before another wave arrived. There were public outcries concerning attempts by some to line their pockets through the misery of others. Certain undertakers raised their prices by more than 500% as grieving families sought proper burials for their loved ones. Tales spread throughout the city of individuals being forced to pay fifteen dollars (instead of $5) to dig graves for their deceased family members.
An unusual aspect of the Spanish flu was that it tended to target the young and healthy members of society. This was a complete reversal of the normal pattern with influenza, which normally attacked the old, the infirm and the young. Mercina Cacalis Havas, a young, vigorous, woman in the prime of her life was to become a statistic in the pandemic of death. The Federal Public Health Service reported more than 100,000 influenza cases during the week ending January 31, 1920. One of those victims was Mercina Cacalis Havas who, on January 28, 1920 had been admitted to Citizens General Hospital, New Kensington, Pennsylvania with symptoms of the devastating influenza. On Monday, February 2, 1920 at 1:00pm the 27 year old Mercina Cacalis Havas and the child she was bearing succumbed to the devastating influenza. Her death certificate, shown above, notes that a burial took place on February 4, 1920. Mercina's gravesite in New Kensington was never located. Photography was expensive and the taking of photos was limited to memorializing special events. The photo to the right depicting George Havas and his daughters, Angeliki and Rodopi, is presumed to have been taken after their mother's death, (February 1920) and prior to their March departure for Greece. Had their mother been alive she would have been included in the photo. The girls are shown wearing winter coats and each carried a small purse - possibly gifts from their uncles. At that time Rodopi was 18 months old and her sister Angeliki was 2 years and 9 months old. | |
The infuenza pandemic left George Havas with two orphaned daughters Angeliki and Rodopi. Neither girl has a personal memory of their mother, Mercina Cacalis Havas. They know of her through stories told them by family members. Their mother's short life began in Moudros on the Aegean Island of Limnos. Her trip to the United States had been sponsored by her brother, Costas Cacalis, who had arranged her marriage to his friend Georgios Havas. They were married May 31, 1916 and moved to New Kensington, Pennsylvania where they rented a room at 8th Street and Fourth Avenue, the industrial section of Westmoreland, near the Allegheny River. Mercina's sad and untimely death at age 27, during the influenza epidemic, devastated the Cacalis and Havas families. Mercina's mother, the blind Despina Sopiou Cacalis, born in 1865, was to outlive her daughter dying at age 80 in 1945. Mercina's father, Halalambos Cacalis, had died in Moudros in 1915 at age 61. Despina's granddaughter, Angeliki Havas, remembers how she waited at the pier to meet her Grandmother Despina Soupiou who was arriving from Egypt. The grandmother's first act was to hug and touch the young Angeliki's features as she was blind and had been told that the young Angeliki looked exactly as did her deceased daughter, Mercina Cacalis Havas - the mother of Angeliki and Rodopi.
Angeliki and her sister Rodopi grew up with their stepmother and beloved stepbrother, Athanasios, on the ancient island of Limnos in the area known as Androni, Mirina. Koralia's father, Athanasios Penakos (Pinakos), lived with them where he slept on a cot on the porch. He sold watermelons and cucumbers from a tent which he pitched in the vineyards he had given Koralia as a dowry. The vineyards, where he raised grapes, wheat and vegetables, had been purchased from the departing Turks. Today this is a luxurious tourist area full of expensive Swiss bungalows. Angeliki was often assigned the task of looking after the tent while her Grandfather Athanasios Penakos and his donkey went into the fields to secure more produce. They would store the oversized watermelons in the deep well to keep them cool. Athanasios Penakos, supported his daughter Koralia Havas and her 3 children for many months during the depression in the United States when her husband, the unemployed Georgios Havas, was unable to send money to Limnos. One of his two sons, Giannis Penakos, was to perish in the battle to reclaim Smyrna. Angeliki had fond memories of her stepmother's cousin, Nicolas Bakalis who had also fought in Smyrna. He had the only phonograph player in Androni and his records could be heard throughout the village. Having been wounded in Smyrna he had to wear lifts to be able to walk. His brother, Giannis Bakalis, died from his wounds in Smyrna. Angeliki remembers him fondly. Once, when she was ill for 3 days, Giannis was told that her tooth hurt. He suggested Angeliki be taken to a doctor so Angeliki's stepmother gave Giannis a gold nugget and he took her to a doctor. It took several visits to remove the infection and thereafter he melted the gold nugget and capped the tooth with the gold filling. Angeliki remembers the 7 month period during America's depression when money from her Father was not forthcoming and they were short on food supplies he would bring bags of flour so the family could make bread. In 1920 George Havas was drafted into the Greek army to recapture the port city of Smyrna (Izmir). His pregnant wife Koralia remained in Limnos to give birth to their son, Athanasios, and to raise him and her two stepdaughters Angeliki and Rodopi. Georgios Havas never saw his son, who died in 1943 at age 22, from what was described as, "water on the lungs" - quite possibly pneumonia. The three year old Angeliki Havas would not see her father again until age nineteen when she returned to the United States, the land of her birth. The two year old Rodopi would reunite with her father in 1946 when she emigrated to the United States with her stepmother Koralia.
(Born Nov 16, 1901 - Deceased 1962)
Shortly after her marriage to Georgios Havas on September 1920 her husband was drafted into the Greek military where he fought for two years in the disastrous Asia Minor campaign to reclaim Smyrna (Izmir). He left the pregnant Koralia to give birth to their son and to care for her stepdaughters, Angeliki and Rodopi. She was not to see her husband for another 26 years. George Havas never saw his son, Athanasios, who died in 1943 at age 22. Father and son knew of each other only through photographs. As a citizen of Greece, Georgios Havas, who did not have U. S. citizenship, could not avoid Greece's compulsory three year military obligation. The brutal battle to liberate Smyrna ended in disaster on September 11, 1922, when the whole of seaside Smyrna was destroyed by fire during the horrible slaughter of its Greek Christian population. The war had claimed the lives of Koralia's brother, Gianni Pinakos, and her first cousin. Her brother had been wounded in battle at Smyrna. The retreating evzones were unable to rescue him as he lay dying from his wounds in the rain. Angeliki remembers a wounded cousin, Nikolas Bakalis, who returned from Smyrna unable to walk. He possessed the only phonograph player in Limnos.
Throughout the years Georgios Havas sent his earnings to his family in Limnos. He often complained that the value of money he sent to Greece was "cut in half" "Ta kopsane sta mesa". Every time the government devalued the Lira he lost half his net worth. Although illiterate, Koralia had proven to be a devoted, hard-working, frugal wife and mother. Unable to sign her name she would send Rodopi and Angeliki to the post office to pick up their father's letters. A superstitious woman she cautioned Angeliki and Rodopi not to mention that they received money - thus avoiding the curse of the 'evil eye'. When letters did not arrive she would have Angeliki take her cup to the gypsies to be 'read'. When Angeliki had her palm read she was told that she "would travel a great distance". The gypsy fortune teller told the young girl that Limnos was not in her future. Angeliki recalls that she was 14 years old when she learned, through classmates, that her 'real' mother had died in America and she was being raised by a stepmother. She sought out her uncle, Giorgios Cacalis, to verify this disturbing fact and indeed he confirmed that Angeliki and her sister Rodopi were the children of his sister, Mercina Cacalis Havas, who had died in New Kensington, Pennsylvania during the influenza epidemic of 1920. Having lived in Limnos since 1920, Angeliki and Rodopi Havas had no memory of the United States where they had been born in 1917 and 1918 respectively. This revelation shed light as to why their classmates often referred to Angeliki and Rodopi as the "Amerikanakia" (the little Americans). On one occasion Angeliki had been gathering almonds in the family vineyards when the bright sky darkened ominously. Her job had been to hit the upper branches of the tree with a long stick to cause the almonds to fall to the ground. Suddenly day began to turn into night - an eerie feeling which frightened her causing her to run home. It was a total eclipse of the sun which years later her son, the astronomer Ted Pedas, identified for her. The day was June 19, 1936 when the 19 year old Angeliki stood in the shadow of a 2 minute solar eclipse. Rodopi and Angeliki have vivid memories of the celestial event and the ensuing disturbance it created in Mirina where villagers hid indoors. World War II and the German occupation of Greece (1941-1944) created hardships for Koralia and her family. Rodopi had married the schoolmaster's son, Demitrios Angelidis and they had a son, Xenophone. Letters and money sent them from the United States were intercepted. In 1943 Athanasios Havas, the son of George Havas and Koralia took ill with what the family described as "water on the lungs" - probably pneumonia. Medication to treat his illness was not available to civilians during the war years. The desperate Koralia, sold off part of the family vineyards in Moudros (her dowry from her father) to purchase medicine from the Germans who occupied Limnos. Her son, born Aug 6, 1921 died in 1943. He died never having met his father - they knew each other through the exchange of letters and photos. On March 27, 1945 Georgios (George) Havas became a naturalized U.S. citizen. He was employed at Sharon Steel in Farrell, Pennsylvania . In 1946 he was able to bring his wife Koralia to the U.S along with his daughter Rodopi and her husband, Demetrios Angelidis, and their son Xenophon. Rodopi described the voyage aboard the SS Marine Shark as dreadful. It was a 12,000 ton refurbished army transport vessel operated by the United States Lines.The rooms had no private facilities, just bunk beds. The seas were rough and everyone spent most of the day praying. Once again life cheated Koralia Havas. Upon her arrival in the United States on May 10, 1946 a Warrant for her arrest was issued by the United States Department of Justice claiming she was in violation of immigration laws and was to be taken into custody and deported immediately. It took a year of correspondence from Greece to verify that Koralia Havas was legally married to George Havas. In 1948 Kolaria's husband George Havas, age 58, died of a sudden heart attack while working at the Sharon Steel mill in Farrell, Pennsylvania. Koralia left Farrell, Pennsylvania for a brief stay in the Bronx, New York with her stepdaugher Rodopi. Thereafter she returned to Limnos and Moudro where she died of cancer in 1962. ![]()
The dream of America was not shared by Angeliki's younger sister,
Rodopi, who knew America as the place where their biological mother, Mercina Cacalis Havas, died of influenza at age 27. Furthermore Rodopi had her eyes set on the village's most eligible young man, Demitrios Angelidis, (the schoolmaster's son). Tradition required the eldest daughter to be married off first and given that Angeliki lacked a prospective groom, her removal from Limnos would enable her sister to marry. It was Angeliki's uncle, Demetrios Havas, from Aliquippa who sponsored his niece's trip to America and sent her the 3rd class steamship ticket price of $150.00.
Angeliki took ill the day before departing Limnos for America. Her stepmother treated the sick girl with 'Bendouzes' - a cupping techinique which can be seen in the movie, Zorba the Greek. It is the treatment of disease by suction of the skin surface. A coin is wrapped in cloth to form a wick. This is dipped in oil, lit on fire, and placed on the body. When a glass or cup is placed over the flaming penny a vacuum is created in the glass. The vacuum causes a drawing up of the underlying tissues into the cup, pulling inner congestion in the body up and out. To remove the cup, a finger is placed under the glass to break the suction before lifting it off.The markings can take several days to disappear. This practice was outlawed in the United States. This created a problem for ill persons who did not benefit from cupping as they had to wait for the swelling and markings on their bruised skin to disappear before visiting a doctor.
On December 22, 1936 the 19 year old Angeliki Havas arrived in New York Harbor on the Italian ship Santurnia. Although born in New Kensington, Pennsylvania in 1917 she had lived, since the age of three, on the island of Limnos, Greece being raised by her stepmother, Kouralia Pinakos Havas. She last saw her father, George Havas, in 1920 when he left Limnos to fight in Smyrna. Angeliki recalls the sea voyage to the United States. She traveled from Limnos to Patras to board the Santurnia which stopped in Italy before sailing for New York. One of her vivid memories is eating a banana - which she had seen for the first time. Finding the skin too hard to bite she decided to watch how others ate this new fruit before attempting a second bite.
In 1936, the nineteen year old Angeliki Havas was welcomed into New York Harbor by the same Statue of Liberty which, in 1916, has greeted her mother Mercina Cacalis whose trip, and pending mariage to George Havas, was sponsored by her brother Costa Cacalis. Unlike her mother, Angeliki Havas did not cross the Atlantic in steerage as did other immigrants as she was a United States citizen having been born in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. Although born a U.S. citizen, she could neither speak nor write English. Growing up in Limnos she was taunted by other children as being a foreigner. Finally the "Amerikanaki" had returned home.
Upon disembarking the Santurnia at Ellis Island Angeliki was escorted to a New York hotel where she stayed overnight. She described New York City, with it's festive Christmas decorations as "paradise". At the hotel she was instructed how to use the telephone. When it rang she was to pick it up and speak the word "okay" into the receiver. The next morning she was escorted by train from New York to Pittsburgh where her father recognized her from the photos he had been receiving of her. They proceeded to New Castle, Pennsylvania where she lived on East Long Avenue with her father George Havas in 3 rented rooms above a grocery store. Father and daughter were finally reunited. Angeliki was alarmed at the state of her father's wardrobe. The man who had provided for his family in Limnos with most of his meager wages wore clothes so heavily patched it made her weep.
Gust Talaganis, owner of New Castle's Star Market was the match-maker for Angeliki Havas and her future husband Efstathios Tsimpidis (Steve Pedas).
A large Greek community existed in New Castle. Angeliki (Angeline) shopped at the Star Market, owned by Gust Talaganis, who had a friend, Efstathios Tsimpidis (Steve Pedas) in Farrell, Pennsylvania. They had both come from the same Greek Peloponesian village of Doriza. Gust promptly arranged a 'proxinia'. In later years Steve Pedas would describe the meeting of his bride-to-be. She was "beautiful, much too thin, and wearing a light colored dress". He could not believe his good fortune.
![]() January 16, 1938
Rear: Left to right: The groom Efstathios Tsimpidis, unknown (Karahalios?), Mr. Mouganis, (Spiros Martinos ?), Georgios Talaganis, Nick Mavropidis Flower girls - Talaganis sisters ?
Steve Pedas, a former Sharon Steel worker, had just opened a grocery store, The Broadway Cash Market. For $20.00 a month they rented a house on Haywood Street (now Roemer Blvd) which had no heat - just a coal stove in the kitchen and rats in the baasement. The single toilet had to be shared with neighbors. Subsequently they purchased a house, for $3,500 on Fruit Avenue. Their first born, Theodore, was born in 1939, followed by a daughter Mercina (Marcy), George (Georgios), and Tom (Athanasios). The fates had smiled on Angeline and Steve. At an early age both had been orphaned of their mothers. History had impacted their lives the influenza epidemic, two world wars, the battle for Smyrna, and the depression. Now, in the post war prosperity, in an unfamiliar land, they set down roots to build a life together.
A journey from Limnos, Greece to Aliquippa, Pennsylvania
In 1910 Costa Cacalis emigrated from Greece to the United States and settled in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania where he met George Havas. Although they were both from the same island of Limnos - the Cacalis family was from Moudro whereas the Havas family from Androni (Mirina).
Aliquippa, a western Pennsylvania town named for an Iroquis queen, is situated on the Ohio River 18 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. Expansion of the steel mills stimulated its industrial growth after 1909. Its industries included the manufacture of open-hearth steel, Bessemer steel, steel sheets, welding products and pig iron.
The first Greek settlers were drawn to Aliquippa by the prospect of finding work in the Jones & Laughlin Steel mill which at that time was being built. The turn of the century found many Greeks migrating to the United States in search of jobs. Among the first to move to Aliquippa (then known as Woodlawn) was Constantine (Costas) Cacalis who settled there in 1910. Around 1912 the hub of the Greek Community revolved around Superior Avenue where boarding houses, grocery stores, coffeehouses, barber shops and well know Greek bakeries were located.
These immigrants, like so many others, had intended to acquire some money and return to Greece, however, as their condition improved they felt a sense of permanency and began to build a house of worship. In 1917 a small group of Greeks met in Aliquippa at the Capers Brothers Theater on Franklin Avenue for the purpose of organizing a Greek Orthodox Church. A storeroom was rented on Sheffield Avenue, where church services could be held temporarily. Application for a charter was made in 1918 and their first Divine Liturgy was celebrated on August 15, 1918.
Ted Pedas, Marcy Pedas and George Pedas
have fond memories of their kind Uncle (Theo) Costa Cacalis and his family who lived in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. His wife's name was Calliope. (In Greek mythology Calliope was Apollo's muse of Epic Poetry and Eloquence.)
Their frequent Sunday visits was always a cause for celebration. Costa and Calliope would travel from Aliquippa to the Pedas home in Farrell, Pennsylvania with their daughter Despina and son-in-law Gus Constantine and their 3 grandchildren, Manuel, Carol and Dennis.
The Pedas children sensed that they were dear to their Uncle's heart but were too young to realize that they were the grandchildren of the sister,
Mercina Cacalis,
he brought to America who died of influenza.
Costa Cacalis worked in the steel mill while his wife earned extra money by taking on boarders, mostly immigrants. Calliopi's job was to clean the rooms, do the laundry, and prepare meals.
Upon settling in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania Costa Cacalis sponsored his sister Mercina Cacalis' trip from the Greek island of Limnos to the United States. He had arranged to marry her to George Athanasios Havas who was an immigrant from Limnos working in the steel mill in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. The marriage between George Havas and Mercina Cacalis took place in 1916. George and Mercina Havas lived in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. Mercina was pregnant with her third child when she died on February 2, 1920 of influenza. She was buried in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. Her grave has not been located lost as had so many others due to the unprecedented deaths caused by the influenza epidemic. (Parents of Mercina Cacalis Havas) The 64 year old Despina Sopiou Cacalis is pictured above with her five children. This is the mother of Mercina Cacalis Havas and Grandmother to Angeliki and Rodopi Havas. Despina Sopiou was born in 1865 in Moudros on the island of Limnos, Greece and died in 1945 at the age of 80 in Egypt. When her husband, Haralambos Cacalis, died in 1915 at age 61 in Moudros she moved to Egypt to live with her son George Cacalis. Her husband,Haralambos Cacalis, had three brothers by the names of George, Basil and Stratis and a sister named Malamatenia. All four were born in the village of Moudros, Island of Limnos, Greece. Haralambos' occupation was that of a landowner and farmer. He raised sheep. He was born in 1854. At the age of 30 he married Despina Sopiou, who was born in 1865 in the same village as her husband. Haralambos died in 1915 in Moudros, Greece. Haralampos and Despina Cacalis had five children (pictured below) - two sons, George (Georgios) and Costas (Constantinos), and three daughters, Fania, Mercina and Fotini. Despina Sopiou Cacalis was to survive her two daughters. Fania died at age 20 of injuries when she slipped while loading a donkey while working in the fields and Mercina died in 1920 at age 27 of the influenza epidemic in New Kensington, Pennsylvania where she was buried. Despina and Fania (mother and daughter) are buried in Moudro, on the island of Limnos Greece.
Angeliki Havas remembers how Uncle George comforted her when she was thirteen years old and had learned from a classmate that she was being raised by a stepmother. Uncle George confirmed to Angeliki that her mother, Mercina Cacalis, who was his sister had died in 1920 during the influenza epidemic and that indeed she and her sister were being raised by a wonderful and caring stepmother, Koralia Pinakos. Rodopi Havas remembers that Uncle George Cacalis worried constantly about Egypt's negative attitude towards foreigners as the country became independent of British rule. George Cacalis died in Egypt. He had two daughters, Kalliope and Merseni who were educated in Egypt. A year after his death in October 1959, in Benha, Egypt, his wife and daughter were expelled from Egypt (as were all foreigners) by Prime Minister Nasser who nationalized their property causing them to lose their homes and businesses. They now live in Athens Greece and on the island of Chios.
At age 22 Costas Cacalis fell in love with a maid named Calliope but his Godfather, finding her unsuitable, would not advance him funds to get married. Determined to make money to afford the young maiden Costas decided to go to Abesinia (now called Ethiopia) where it was rumored that here was gold and many jobs. He went to Alexandria, Egypt to board a ship to Abesinia which, alas, had sailed prior to his arrival. He joined another young man who was off to make his fortune in America. On September 12, 1910 he boarded the 5,497 ton Oceania at Patras arriving in New York harbor on September 19th at age 23. Costas had become ill while crossing the stormy Atlantic in the ship's damp, cold steerage section. Wearing light weight clothes suitable for the sunny Mediterranean he developed an ear infection which resulted in a swelling behind his left ear. Customs officials noticed the Mastoids behind his ear and marked him with the dreaded chalk mark 'X' indicating he was to be deported. Sitting with his back against the wall and trying to stay warm he managed to rub off the 'X' label off his back. In the turmoil he succeeded in blending in with other immigrants and passed through customs. Once in New York, and knowing only Greek and some Arabic, he showed a policeman a piece of paper with the address of a family that his family in Greece had known. Since he could not speak English the policeman took him to the address. Upon arriving at the address, the people would not let him in the house for the door was blocked with rags around the framework to prevent the dust from Halley's Comet to seep through and poison everyone causing their death. Eventually they let him in. While working in New York he heard of railroad work in Connellsville, Pa. Where he worked until joining J&L Steel in Woodlawn, Pa. which was renamed Aliquippa. A friend showed him a photograph of a young maiden, Calliope Garifalou-Fokianos, born October 15, 1895 in his village of Moudros, Greece. They were married in Homestead, Pennsylvania on December 27, 1914 and settled eventually in an apartment in the Greek section of Aliquippa at the intersection of Keihl Street and Station. They had three sons - Harry, Steve,and George, and three daughters, Penelope, Despina, and Venetia. Note: Costas Cacalis's granddaughter, Carole Cacalis Constantinou Vandevort, has provided much of the information and photos relating to the Cacalis family. Thank you Carole!
![]() The only person known in the above photo is the older woman, Despina Soupiou Cacalis. |
Limnos (Lemnos) Greece
![]() ![]() The island of Limnos is embraced by the sea. It is shaped like a huge grey butterfly that came to rest on the waves. Its name in the Phoenician language means "white", "shiny". Of all the Aegean islands, Limnos lies the lowest and flattest, rising only just above the sea. Green and lovely in the spring, it turns a crackling yellow-brown in the summer, when water is in short supply. There are no rivers - the sea waters are collected in small brooks which flow back into the sea. In their works both Homer and Herodotus sing the praises of Limnos. Its history can be traced to the Stone Age where an advanced Neolithic culture flourished. Every age is represented here, on every inch of Limnos soil. The most important is the Neolithic civilization at Poliochni, dating back to 4000 B.C., which predates the Egyptian dynasties, the Minoan kingdom of Crete and even the earliest level of Troy. Walls and houses remain of the oldest city (2000 B.C.) which was probably destroyed by an earthquake; here the oldest baths in the Aegean were found; the third city dates back to the Copper Age while the last settlement on the site dates from the Bronze Age and was contemporary with the Mycenaeans the Limnos of Homer dating from 1500 to 100 B.C. Lemnian wine, is well known all over Greece. Vineyards once covered Limnos' entire southeastern peninsula in the region of Aghios Dimitrios. The much travelled Artistotle claimed that the wines of the Aegean "make everyone hopeful". In ancient and medieval times, the island was famous for its "Limnian earth". which was considered a cure for snakebite. While en route to the Trojan War the archer Philoctetes had been marooned on Limnos to treat a snakebite on his foot. The once-renowned Limnian earth, found near Repanidi with its high sulphur content, was used from ancient times until the Turkish occupation for healing wounds and stomach aches. Very high quality cotton was produced in Limnos until the 1960's. It was in great demand and was considered to be the best after the Egyptian cotton. An impressive stone building in Myrina was used for ginning it. The wheat produced on the island was and still is excellent. During the Byzantine period Limnos was the Granary of Constantinopoulis. Bee-keeping is a major occupation. The island's thyme honey was favored by the gods. The honey of the island was so exceptional it was said the Olympic Gods would not taste honey from any other place. Cheese is also one of the best produced in Greece. One can find two qualities: Kalathaki, which is prepared in small baskets and dry cheese, which dries under the sun.
In ancient times, according to myth, the volcanic island of Limnos was the home of the god Hephaestus. In his epic poem Homer relates that during an argument Zeus, irritated by his son Hephaestus, seized him by the leg and flung him from Mount Olympus. All day long he tumbled through space and at sunset made an ungraceful landing on the island of Limnos where the Sintians gathered him up and nursed him back to health. Seeking refuge from Olympus he built his forge on Limnos, and in gratitude for their kindness, taught the island's original inhabitants to work in bronze as well as iron thus the explanation as to how the first bronze making was believed to have originated in Limnos. The volcanic nature of Limnos was probably the reason why the island was connected to Hephaestus who was the personification of fire, of which volcanoes were the most terrifying manifestation. Hephaestus's presence on the island of Limnos was attested by the flaming vapours which escaped from Mount Moschylus to the accompanying sound of dull rumbling. This was the sound of the divine blacksmith's hammers from the workshop he had set up in the bowels of the mountain. Hephaestus, the only god who did any respectable work, built the palaces on Olympus with their bronze trimmings. He fashioned Zeus' golden throne, sceptre and thunderbolts. His other works include the winged chariot of Helios, the arrows of Apollo and Artemes, Demeter's sickle, the armour of Achilles, the harp of Perseus and Adonis' hunting equipment. He was worshiped as the god of fire and all artisans. The fire of Hephaestus is not, however, the destroying element, but rather the beneficial element which permits men to work metal and foster civilization. Thus Hephaestus appears as the divine blacksmith, the artisan-god, who created admiral works and taught men the mechanical arts. The first inhabitants of Limnos were metal craftsmen. They had been taught their trade by the Olympian blacksmith.
Nor was he lucky in love. The arranged marriage between Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, and the lame, ugly blacksmith proved difficult for beauty to be virtuous. Few, if any, of Aphrodite's children were fathered by him. Aphrodite's affair with the handsome warrior god Ares (the war God who was not distinguished for his intelligence) was gossiped viciously by the lovely ladies of Limnos nasty rumors circulated which questioned the love Goddesses' virtue. The affair with Ares was the last straw. In defense of their cult hero the women of Limnos tossed the statue of the love goddess into the sea and reported her betrayal to Hephaestus. In retaliation Aphrodite placed a foul smelling body odor on the Lemnian women which repelled their husbands. The Lemnian men solved the problem of sexual draught by bringing mistresses from Thrace to console them. However the wives could not tolerate such an indiscretion. This alienation caused the lovely ladies of Limnos to intoxicate their husbands with the famous Lemnian wine and murder them by tossing them into the Aegean from Petassos, a mountain near Mirina. To commemorate that shocking crime, the village that was later built there was called Androphonion (meaning the murder of men). Today it has the more acceptable name of Androni. Just in time Jason and the Argonauts appeared on the horizon. Fortunately for the women of Limnos Jason, en route to Troy looking for the golden fleece, was in the neighborhood with his 50 Argonauts. The arrival of the Argo with its shipload of Greek heroes and demigods was just what was needed to continue the Lemniote race. Who exactly were the Argonauts? In preparation for his voyage Jason had hired Argus the best shipbuilder of the time to fashion for him a vessel with places for fifty rowers. The finished vessel was named Argo and those who sailed in it were called Argonauts. Jason sent invitations to all the heroes of Greece to join him in the search for the Golden Fleece and they came forward eagerly. Jason was joined in his quest by Castor and Pollux, those twins who later became the gods of boxing and wrestling; Orpheus who had not yet descended to Hades; Hercules, the most celebrated Greek Hero; Zetes and Calais, speedy runners; the hunter Arcas and the huntress Atalanta; Nestor, wise in council; Peleus and Telemon, youthful warriors; Admetus, later a king and master of Apollo and Theseus. The Argonauts remained on Limnos for a year as welcome guests of the Lemnian women. Many married and remained on the island. A son born to Jason (and the legendary princess Ypsipyli) went on to become King of Limnos during the Trojan War....but that's another story!