(South Sharon was renamed Farrell in 1912)
(Four Year Course) Florist; Greenville, Pa.
Mary Burnside
John Lehr
Pearl Atwood Reyer
Myrtle Jones Roberts
Andrew Sage
Rose Kiss Schon
First Commencement Exercises The Class of 1909 was the first class to hold its commencement exercises in the newly built Farrell High School located at the corner of Fruit Avenue and Haywood Street (Roemer Blvd). The newly built high school opened on Dec 8, 1908 as South Sharon High School and was renamed Farrell High School in 1912. In 1938 the building was converted into the Junior High School when the new Farrell Senior High School opened at 1600 Roemer Blvd. Click below to read the 1984 article describing the demolition of the building and one student's fond Junior High memories.