Ted Pedas “Science at Sea

Ambassador Edward L. Peck

Around South America — In the Footsteps of Great Explorers

A commentator on Middle East issues for U.S. and foreign television networks Ambassador Edward Peck is also a consultant, lecturer, and trainer for governments, businesses, and educational institutions in a number of countries.

Ambassador Peck served as an American diplomat for 32 years and speaks four languages: Swedish, Arabic, French and Spanish. He was an Embassy officer in Sweden, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Egypt and Chief of Mission in Mauritania and Iraq. His domestic assignments included Deputy Director of the Cabinet Task Force on Terrorism at the White House, Deputy Coordinator for Covert Intelligence Programs and Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs at the State Department, Liaison Officer to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a Fellow at the Institute for Higher Defense Studies at the Pentagon.

Ambassador Peck retired to become Executive Secretary of the American Academy of Diplomacy in Washington, D.C., and was later named Chairman of Political Tradecraft programs at the National Foreign Affairs Training Center in Northern Virginia. He is a member of the Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs, a Distinguished Visitor at the National War College, and a Woodrow Wilson Foundation Visiting Fellow. The ambassador also serves on the Board of Directors of Americans for Middle East Understanding.

A former paratrooper in the U.S. Army, Ambassador Peck rose from private to Captain. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from UCLA, and an M.B.A from George Washington University.

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