Ted Pedas “Science at Sea

Captain Loren McIntyre

South America Circumnavigation

A retired Captain in the United States Navy, Loren McIntyre circumnavigated the Earth before he was old enough to vote. Brandishing notebook and camera he trod the soil of Japan, China, Manchuria, Singapore, India, Africa and the Mediterranean. He first sailed the Amazon River in 1935-at the age of 18. So began the life of a man with an insatiable spirit for adventure.

McIntyre's name can now be found on most maps of South America, in the Guinness Book of World Records and in countless magazines and books that carry pictures and text about the Amazon, the Andes, South American countries and explorers such as Alexander von Humboldt.

A graduate of the University of California at Berkeley in the field of Latin American Culture, and a student of ethnology at the University of San Marcos in Lima, Peru, McIntyre became fluent in both the Spanish and Portuguese languages. During World War II he served for four years aboard a U.S. warship in the Pacific and later became a gunnery advisor for the Peruvian Navy. He retired from the U.S. Naval Reserve with the rank of Captain, but he did not retire from the world of travel and exploration.

Today, a small monument at 17,200 feet elevation in the Peruvian Andes marks Laguna McIntyre, uppermost source of the Amazon River, discovered in 1971 on an expedition sponsored by the National Geographic and the Inter-American Geodetic Survey. His forays into the South American continent have provided him with a rich variety of experiences dealing with life in the Amazon, including primitive tribes, folklore, native flora and fauna as well as the subsequent settlers, economic exploitation and gold mining in the river's southern tributaries.

McIntyre began photographing his journeys into remote regions in 1952, first for his own company, then for the governments of the United States, Peru and Colombia. He prefers traveling in light aircraft-with the door removed to facilitate filming. His photographic essays and accompanying articles appeared in a variety of books and magazines including Time/Life, The Smithsonian, Geo, Audubon and, of course, National Geographic.

Though his film production has featured many countries, McIntyre always seemed to return to his first love, South America, filming extensively there for the National Geographic and NOVA television programs. This photographic romance with our southern neighbor lead McIntyre to become co-writer and co-producer of the giant screen IMAX film Amazon, nominated in 1997 for an Academy Award.

In the course of dozens of South American assignments for National Geographic, as well as foreign publishers, McIntyre's literary work and photographs have appeared in over five hundred publications in English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Chinese, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Romanian, Korean and Hebrew.

It was only a matter of time before he undertook the writing of complete books on the land he loved. His first, The Incredible Incas sold out at 500,000 copies. A 367-page illustrated biography of Alexander von Humboldt, Die Amerikanische Reise was republished in 1999.

Exploring South America is a pictures-and-text record of many McIntyre adventures and is still available in libraries, as is Amazonia, produced for the Sierra Club, and Amazon Beaming, a strange interlude among a lost tribe of Indians and McIntyre's discovery of the source, as told by Petru Popescu. Much of his current work is for Brazilian publishers of elegant books about Indians, wildlife and historical adventures. The author is now writing a book about "Chi Chi," a capuchin monkey who has been a member of his family for thirty-one years. It's an adult book because he doesn't want to encourage children to try and keep monkeys as pets-they require too much care.

For many years, the McIntyre family lived in South America, mainly Peru, and Loren and his wife Sue managed to raise two sons even as he continued to travel in pursuit of photos and stories. Today, the McIntyre's make their home in Arlington, Virginia, as Loren alternates between the United States and South America.

Since 1983, Capt. McIntyre has made over fifty-five voyages with Royal Olympic Cruises and its predecessor, giving over 240 lectures, always to standing-room-only crowds.

For the South America Circumnavigation voyage Mr. McIntyre will participate in Roundtables, interviews and One-on-One sessions with passengers.

South America Circumnavigation

Presentations by Captain Loren McIntyre

  • ECUADOR AND GALAPAGOS — a review of what you may expect to see in Manta and elsewhere on the coast, Quito and elsewhere in the highlands and in the Galapagos Islands.

  • THE RISE AND FALL OF THE INCA EMPIRE — which follows closely the pattern of his illustrated book (coordinated with Dr. Michael Moseley) The Incredible Incas, looking at:
    1. The Silent Strings-our source of information about the Incas
    2. The Sons of the Sun-the first eight Incas; Andean origins and geography Lord Inca Cataclysm-Pachacuti, the ninth Inca, and expansion beginning AD 1438
    3. The Unforgettable One-Tupa Inca; triumphs from Colombia to central Chilé
    4. The War Between the Brothers-Huayna Capac in Ecuador; civil war begins
    5. Invaders from an Alien World-The arrival of the Spaniards
    6. The Eclipse of the Sun-resistance to the European takeover
    7. The Lost Empire-Patterns and echoes of empire that survive today

  • AMAZON, THE RIVER SEA — (first lecture in a series of four) looks at the origins of the river, both geological and geographical, and explores the river's four regions as defined by the color of tributaries:
    1. Ascending the brown-water mainstream; settlers, cities
    2. Up the blue-water southern tributaries; gold mines, Indians
    3. Up the black-water northern tributaries; Rio Negro, Orinoco
    4. Up the white-water Andean headwaters; discover the source

  • THE WEST COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA—(two lectures in one) examines the wildlife of the Peruvian desert coast; the War of the Pacific between Chilé and Peru; Chilé's Atacama Desert from the coast to the Andean summits and Chilé's southern coast from La Serena to Tierra del Fuego.

  • BRAZIL'S ATLANTIC COAST Looks at Rio de Janeiro and Carnaval; Bahia and Spirit Cults; Recife and the great beaches and approaches to Salinopolis and Belem.

  • INDIANS OF THE AMAZON —(second lecture in a series of four) begins with music and pictures without narration; then visits many tribes, mostly remote, warlike, painted and nude.

  • WESTERN MAN IN AMAZONIA —(third lecture in a series of four) maps history from Eratosthenes to Pedro Teireira and how Amazonia became Brazilian; covers early settlements and Indian slavery, the growth of cities as well as communities the ship will visit. The final third of the presentation concerns Jari; the personality of the founder, D.K. Ludwig, the cutting of forests and tree-farming, building two 30,000-ton plants in Japan, floating factory around Cape of Good Hope to Jari and ongoing operations as of McIntyre's last visit in 1999.

  • AMAZONIAN WILDLIFE —(fourth lecture in a series of four) presents eighty of Mr. McIntyre's best pictures from a file of thousands, with commentary-all of the wonders one seldom sees while cruising.

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E-mail:   Ted Pedas — mpedas@ix.netcom.com