Ted Pedas “Science at Sea

Dr. Edwin C. Krupp

[KruppBBC Interview] [Krupp Caribbean Ecl] [KruppAsian Ecl]

Eclipse '99 - Black Sea Voyage to Darkness aboard Royal Olympic's Stella Solaris
Caribbean '98 Eclipse - Voyage to Darkness aboard Sun Line's Solaris
Asian '95 Eclipse - Voyage to Darkness aboard Orient Line's Marco Polo
Maya Equinox Cruise - Sun Serpent descending at Chichén Itzá
Voyages of Discovery - The Cradle of Civilization; The Ancient World
African Eclipse 2002 - Voyage to Darkness

[Photo Ed Krupp] E.C. Krupp, astronomer and director of the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, has been active in the study of archaeoastronomy for more than two decades. His particular interest is in the celestial component of belief systems and he is recognized internationally as an expert on traditional astronomies.

[KruppMooreParise] A veteran of many international expeditions to solar and lunar eclipses, Dr. Krupp has each time assisted eclipse-goers to understand what goes on during an eclipse and how to observe the phenomena. Most recently he led a UCLA Extension trip to Chile to observe the Nov. 3, 1994 total solar eclipse and was a lecturer on two Voyage to Darkness eclipse cruises - the Asian Eclipse Cruise to the total solar eclipse of October 24, 1995 in the South China Sea and the Caribbean Eclipse Cruise which intercepted eclipse totality on Feb 26, 1998. Dr. Krupp's knowledge of the history and world-wide lore or eclipses is a natural extension of his research and field studies on ancient, prehistoric, and traditional astronomy.

All together, the interdisciplinary study of archaeoastronomy has taken him to more than 1500 ancient and prehistoric sites, a number that changes continually as new sites beckon.

A graduate of Pomona College, he received his master's and doctoral degrees from UCLA, where he studied the properties of rich clusters of galaxies. He has taught at El Camino College, the University of Southern California and UCLA.

He is the editor and co-author of the award winning book In Search of Ancient Astronomies which received the American Institute of Physics-United States Steel Prize. He also co-authored and edited a volume for the American Association for the Advancement of Science titled Archaeoaastronomy and the Roots of Science, a collection of review papers based upon the special symposium he was invited to organize and coordinate for the AAAS.

[KruppAsian Ecl] Echoes of the Ancient Skies: The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations Dr. Krupp's book on the cultural applications of astronomy in ancient, prehistoric, and traditional cultures, was chosen as the Main Selection for Book of the Month Club/Science and as Main and Alternate selections for two Macmillan book clubs. A worldwide cross-cultural analysis of myths and legends of the sky, Beyond the Blue Horizon: Myths and Legends of the Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets was published in 1991.

Dr. Krupp also is editor of the Griffith Observatory's monthly magazine The Griffith Observer. He writes " Rambling Through the Skies," a monthly column for Sky and Telescope magazine that emphasizes the cultural component of astronomy.

His most recent book is Skywatchers, Shamans, and Kings: Astronomy and the Archaeology of Power (Wiley, 1997).

A frequent lecturer, Dr. Krupp has appeared on nationally-televised talk shows and CNN news.

In 1989 he received the Klumpke-Roberts Award from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific for outstanding contributions to public understanding and appreciation of astronomy.

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