FASD — 1952 Alumni Archives

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[Reflector]  [Senior Class]
The 1952 Reflector — Volume XXXVI - Forty-Ninth Annual Commencement

Farrell High School

Class of 1952

Robert C. Ackerman
Richard William Adler
Salli Sy Alli
Delores Jean Amico
Mary Ann Aspromatis


Elsie Bacon
George John Balluch
Angeline Theresa Basile
Joseph Michael Biro
Paul Ronald Bohach


Patricia Louise Brady
Carol Elaine Brauchle
Catherine Jean Brown
James E. Buchanan
Ronald S. Bunyak

John Peter Caravolias
Margaret Jane Carine
Ronald R. Carson
Joanne Louise Cheza
Eli V. Crisan


Ronald Crosby
Bruce Cumberledge
Nicholas John Dan, Jr.
Dolores Ann Darich
John Daris

Paula Anne DeBrakeleer
Dorothy J. Denis
Michael Joseph DePreta
Antoinette Anglia DeSantis
Bridget Arlene Donatelli


Helenmarie Dragash
Nick S. Dragash
Rose Marie Dolores Dresel
Caroline T. Dyll
Geraldine Elia


Elmer G. Falasco
Margaret Irene Feher
Priscilla Julia Feher
Martha Madge Fritchman
Joseph C. Fronko

Frank Gagliardi
Jennie Catherine Gargano
Theresa Marie Gatty
Dolores Marie Gaydosh
Marie Theresa Gentile

Teresa Gervase
Joseph Anthony Giuseffi
Norma Jean Gluich
Michael G. Goda
Theresa Grande


Martha Ann Hardy
Mary Louise Hartsky
Joseph Robert Hedrick
Gerald E. Hilk
Robert J. Hoffman

Betty Ann Hornyak
Richard E. Hornyak
Frances Ann Horzich
Paul R. Hranko
Dorothy M. Hutz

James W. Johnson
Constance Ann Kashay
Norman William Kellum
Veronica Kerlick
Anthony L. Kilbert, Jr.

Chris Kiriakou
Mary Kladitis
Samuel N. Kladitis
John Terrance Komar
Harriet Marilyn Kozar

Richard C. Kozma
Shirley Patricia Kraynak
Raymond Krokoski
Theresa E. Kulka
Leonard C. Kutnak


Jack Lait
June Barbara Lee
Patrick A. Lenzi
Anne Marie Liscio
Eleanor Ludu

Dolores D. Maestri
Rose Marie Mahanovich
Paul J. Malenky, Jr.
Thelma Ruth Marenchin
James J. Marks — Vice President


Mary Lou Marks
Daniel Martino
Joanne Michelene Mastrian — Secretary
Ruth Ann Matanin
James McLaren

Beverly A. McCluskey
Julius McCoy
Michael Missik, Jr. — President
Ellsworth Morgan
Louise Ann Morsillo

Joan Irene Nauman
William L. Nemetz
Thomas F. Orben
Richard Frank Pacileo
Marcella Dean Palm


Joseph Patrizi
Theresa Marie Patrizi
Pauline Ann Paulekas
Robert L. Pegues
Norma Jean Perich


Thomas Paul Petrick
George R. Phillips
Carmela Pillitteri
Marian Polyzou
Patricia June Purash

Alexander P. Pustinger
Nick Raich
Roberta Ann Reagle
Antoinette Reda
Marie Ann Rehak

Martha Jean Rehak
Virginia Lee Rock
Eugene P. Roqueplot
Mary Ellen Roqueplot
Michael Robert Roth


Bernice Ruth Rothenberg
Diana Marie Rozzi
Margaret Ann Sabo
John Sabol
Margaret Louise Sakony

Curtis Eugene Salley
Richard George Santell
Marie Grace Santelli
Donald Thomas Satterwhite
John J. Scarvel


Ronald George Schambura
Paul J. Schiller
William L. Schumaker
Andrew M. Schuster
Louise Frances Semons


Theodore F. Smith
Frances Marie Soloski
Beverly Ann Sposito
James E. Squatrito
Violet Marie Sremcich

Paul W. Stanton
Charles Walter Sturdivant
Marjorie A. Svetina
Robert E. Szabo
Margaret Tatusko

Bernice J. Telega
Joan M. Thomas
Morris Edward Thompson
Grace Marie Toskin
Thomas Tziahanas


Janet Anne Unger
Joan Kaye Unger
Ronald Edward Wells
Maximo Richard White
Donald Roycell Wright


Joanne J. Viselli
Shirley Ann Volansky
Jessie Caroline Williams
Gerald James Wolfe
Erminia Zuccaro


James S. Yazvac

Remarks made to the Class of 1952
(At the Senior Farewell Assembly, May 19, 1952)
Mr. Anthony J. Pintar - Principal of the Farrell Senior High School

[Graduation] [Graduation] Seniors, I did not intend to talk much - but in my recollections of conversations with many of you during the year about your work, your future, I detected a note of uncertainty and pessimism, wholly out of place on this threshold of your new life.

This age of challenge should be met with tools and weapons manned and fired by the optimism and the enthusiasm of your youth. You should shove aside those who would advise extreme caution against any hope for progress or success in these so called uncertain, perilous times.

But are these perilous times? This age, you are told, is filled with perplexity, uncertainty, instability. The timid and the pessimistic speak of impending doom. They look backward and long for “the good old days”. If only they could get back to the simplicities and virtues of the past - the Golden Age!

But was there ever such an age? Probably not. For in every age, beset with its problems, there have been those who have looked longingly backward, hoping to recapture the past. If you'll recall on a recent bulletin I quoted a saying: “These trying times are the good old days, you'll be longing for a few years from now.”

Consider our own history. From the beginning we have fought foreign powers from without, and Indians, the wilderness, and economic depressions from within. We have survived thirteen depressions, five of them major ones. But we came through them all.

The prophets of doom have ever been with us. An Assyrian inscription dated 2,800 years before Christ carries a modern note, “Our earth is degenerate in these latter days. Bribery and corruption are common. Children no longer obey their parents. Every man wants to write a book, and the end of all things is evidently approaching.”

In 1774, Sir Horace Walpole said, “For my part, I take Europe to be worn out. When Voltaire dies, we may say goodnight.” And in 1790, William Wilberfores gloomily observed: “I dare not marry, the future is so dark and unsettled.”

Half a century later, Disraeli said, “In industry, commerce and agriculture, there is no hope.” And Wellington in 1851 said, “I Thank God that I am spared the ruin that is gathering around us.”

When the transatlantic cable marked a new era in communications, the New Monthly (March 1857) declared: “The world is too big and too fast, too many wars, crimes, casualties, excitements, and marvels, so many shouting at the world with all their might, everything is high pressure, human nature cannot endure so much.”

St. Francis was asked as he cultivated his garden: “If you knew that death awaited you at sundown, what would you do?” He replied, “Why, I'd go on hoeing my garden.”

And so it is that the people of every age have answered the prophets of doom. In spite of dire predictions, these are good times. If we can wage peace as effectively as we wage war, our age may prove of great promise.

In the words of Thomas Wolfe, who said it in, You Can't Go Home Again: “I think the true discovery of America is before us. I think the true fulfillment of our spirit, of our people, of our mighty and immortal land is yet to come.”

Our time is a good time to live. It challenges the best in us. And, like St. Francis, why should we not go on “hoeing our garden?”

This is a good time to seek a job, to acquire an education, to take a trip, to start a savings account, to invent something, to get married, to let the dead past bury the dead and to plan for the future.

It is a good time to pledge anew, “Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor”. As Emerson well said, “This time, like all time, is a very good one, if we know what to do with it.”

Opportunity will always be with you. People do not disappear. Only politics die. Empires, statesmen, wars wind their tiresome way through history, but the soil remains, and the people remain.

Opportunity will always be around, waiting for you. I hope I have injected an area of hope and optimism into your outlook - into your future.

And now, seniors, we the administration and the teachers extend to each of you our congratulations and friendly wishes for future success. As you leave today we wish you God-speed, and may God bless you all and keep you until we meet again - Goodbye.
… A. J. Pintar

A message from the Pedas Family
Any errors on these pages are unintentional. We welcome suggestions and contributions. Contact George Pedas. We are indebted to Ted Pedas for his generous funding of this project and to Kathy Pedas for her efforts in preparing the archival files. All rights reserved.   Contact Ted Pedas .