In observance of the twenty-fifth anniversary of National Education Week, open house was held at the Farrell Senior High School on Tuesday Evening, November 13, 1945. Hundreds of parents made use of the opportunity they are given once a year to visit their children's teachers and discuss their work and progress. Members of the Tri-Hi-Y acted as guides and directed visitors to the various rooms.
![]() Home Economics - making cookies
Written by senior class member Mary Louise Bacon Since the beginning of our freshman year in September, 1942, we have looked forward to graduation. Now it has arrived and we must go into the world to continue down life's road. Let us look back to memories of our four years in high school. These memories will be in our hearts for years to come. On December 7, 1941, an event occurred that was to be of grave importance in our lives. It was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. America was at war! We were eighth graders at that time. By the time we were beginning our freshman year, the war had come closer and closer. War Bonds and salvage drives became familiar events to us. Brothers, sisters, and friends were leaving for war. We knew that the war was to have great significance in the shaping of our futures. Despite the problems of war, we had fun in our freshman year. We still remember the Victory Dance, radio station JRHS, and the Freshman Prom. Upon graduation, we became the last class to graduate from junior high school in the ninth grade. Under the shadow of war, we entered the senior high school as be-wildered and confused sophomores. There were new courses, new teachers, and new regulations, but we soon were in the swing of things. Going to pep meetings was an exciting new experience. An important event of the year was the Mid-Western District Chorus, held at Farrell High School, with Noble Cain as guest conductor. Under the direction of Mr. Lewis Sarcinella, class advisor, we elected the following officers: Gerald Pratt, president; Raymond Bechtold, vice-president; and Virginia Monteson, secretary. Our junior year was a successful one. With Miss Julia Wallace as class advisor, we elected Anthony LaCamera, president; Raymond Bechtold, vice president; and Lois Davis, secretary. Our social events included the Harvest Dance, the gym exhibition, and the dances after basketball games. Near the end of the year, we worked hard to make the Junior-Senior Prom an event that the seniors would remember a long time. It was in May, 1945, in our junior year, that we received the news of the surrender of Germany. Although overjoyed at this, we were mindful of the boys still fighting in the Pacific and of another war yet to be won. At last, our senior year arrived. The signing of the unconditional surrender by Japan in August, 1945, had made our dreams of peace come true. As Seniors, we were rushed into a whirlpool of activities. Under the guidance of Miss Esther Zentz, our class advisor, we had photographs taken, selected invitations and calling cards, sold Reflectors, and held a number of social events, one of which was the Junior-Senior Harvest Dance at which Edith Mercurio reigned as Queen. We reelected the officers who had done such a good job in our junior year. All too soon, our Senior year was coming to a close. The Junior-Senior Prom and Class Day activities will be remembered for a long time. At our Farewell Assembly, we felt deeply the realization that we were leaving our school. In traditional Caps and Gowns, we attended Vesper services on May 19, 1946, and Commencement exercises on May 21, 1946. We graduated in the first peacetime spring in four years. The world was still unsteady from the terrible years of war. With the knowledge that the youth of America would be needed to help steady it, the Class of 1946 went forth to serve their country in any and all ways they could for the ideal of peace on earth, good will to men.
![]() To assist in carrying out home room and routine business, to discuss current home room, class and school problems, to promote and encourage students participation in class and school activity, war campaigns, and school athletics, and to further these aims are the purposes of the Home Room Managers who represent each home room in the school. FIRST ROW: Beverly McGee, Catherine Giovanella, Peggy Biga, Joanne Franek, Pauline Klutcher, Rose Marie Yevechak. SECOND ROW ROW: Lorna Bukus, Julentha Frank, Gusty Leftheris, Loretta Marks, Walter Thomas, Joseph Scarville, Richard Broscoe, David Joseph. THIRD ROW: Thressa Paglia, Doris Miles, Mildred Klapak, Richard Thompson, Josephine Gabella, Dolores Patrizzi, Cathryn Rombold, Jerry Paulson, Roland Tallerico. FOURTH ROW: Rose Marie Dorulla, Phyllis Kretchek, Margie Bacon, Madeline Petrick, Beatrice Williams, Theresa Sed, Helen Minkoff, Lois Steibly, Clarence Dobrowski, Julius Perry. FIFTH ROW: Thomas Ballish, James Golubich, David Vermire, John Volansky, John Dyll, Theodore Pedas, George Salem, Raymond Pawlak, Nick Cindea, Frank Zickar, George Kramerich. |
Carmella Alter
Marjorie Anderson
Mary Louise Bacon
Robert Bacon
Ellen Balach
Dorothy Baldowski
Robert Baltuz
William Basilone
Margaret Bears
Raymond Bechtold Vice President
Myrtle Belmont
Dorothy Benya
Melvin Bialko
Louise Boatner
Marcus Botsaris
Norma Branca
Roy Brockman
Lucille Broderick
Joseph E. Broscoe
Edythe Brown
Lenora Burt
Albert Campman
Barbara Ann Carin
Betty Cefrick
Richard Chavers
Mildred Cherhit
Louis Chestnut
Frances Chirikas
Joseph Chmielewski
Lillian Christoff
Helen Ciccarone
Alice Cole
Calvin Cole
Ruth Collins
Harry Costes
Obie Cricks
Margaret D'Amico
Estelle Dankoff
Juanita Davis
Lois Davis
Marcelene DeBastiani
Alfred DeBonis
Antoinette Demico
Andrew Denis
Rosalie DeSantis
Irene Dolata
Ida Donatelli
Rose Marie Dorulla
Robert Dravesky
Mary Duich
John Dyll
Dolores Dzurinda
Jack Esposito
Vincent Fazzalore
Joseph Ference
Theresa Flack
John Franek
Patricia Franek
Romulus Fratila
Harold Freed
Vincent Gagliardi
William Gargano
Mary Louise Gentile
Helen Gondek
Tressa Gustas
Ernest Hartsky
Paul Holodnak
John Hurayt
Frances Iacino
Albert Infante
Norma Jackson
Eva Jankovich
Marko Joannow
Muriel Jones
William Juranovich
Jane Kaletka
Mary Ann Kaliney
Agnes Karabincik
Mary Louise Kollar
Helen Komar
Regina Kowalczyk
Robert Kozar
Andrew J. Krantz
Martha Kress
George Krickich
Anna Krizancic
Rosemary Kunkel
Walter Kustron
Anthony La Camera
Connie Lichvar
Edward J. Lindway
Shirley Lloyd
Joseph Lubinsky
Valer Luca
Aurella Ludu
Jane McBriar
Gloria Maglery
James Mango
Joseph Marasco
Emil Marenchin
Edward Matanin
Loretta Marks
Richard Marks
Anthony Mason
Marjorie Mason
Daniel J. Mastrian
Carolyn Mattozzi
Ann Meleky
Edith Mercurio
Nancy Metz
Harry Miller
Helen Minkoff
Robert Moder
Samuel Moldovan
Virginia Monteson Secretary
James Morrison
Edward Mrozek
Annette Mudrinich
Rose Muscarella
Blanche Musial
Rose Napolitan
Martha Oluich
George Pacinda
Walter J. Paczak
Ann Palik
George Palko
Marion Palmer
Rozella Palumbo
Madeline Paterchok
Louise Patrizi
Richard Patterson
Alexander Paul
Fred Paulitz
Raymond Pawlak
Leo Pedas
Rebecca Pedas
Catherine Perry
Frank Petrillo
William Petrucci
Donald Pisegna
Juanita Ponder
Dorothy Poole
Gerald Pratt President
Mildred Pugliese
Phyllis Quinn
Cathryn Rombold
Paul Rosenblum
Ruthe Roskos
Angela Rotell
Clara Russo
Dan Russo
Harry Alfred Salandria
Dolores Santell
Jacqueline Santell
Barbara Sarchett
Genevieve Sarcinella
Mary Saribalas
Betty Sateren
Amelia Scarmack
Geraldine Schmidt
Dorothy Schnur
Mary Semanovich
Martha Shaffer
Eleanor Skarica
Estelle Skrypski
Lester Slezak
Irene Sorokach
Anthony R. Sostarich
Mary Lou Sposito
Louis Stanovich
Lois Steibly
Rose Svetina
Thomas Sweeney
Michaelene Terpack
Dorothy Testasecca
Antoinette Toriello
Mary Louise Toskin
Theresa Trotta
Margaret Trozzo
Esther Truman
Frank Ujakovich
John Valeriano
Ann Vasile
John Volansky
Cecilia Wasko
Phyllis Williams
Robert Winslow
Clarence Wojdanowski
Jean Xirakis
Mary Zipay