FASD — 1931 Alumni Archives

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Farrell High School

Class of 1931

Santo Aiello
Carl Andree
James W. Andrew
John Bartolon
Arthur Berkowitz
Pete Billioni
Rose Bleier
Michael Bobish
Julia Bogdan
Jennie Bonadio
Rocco Bono
Helen Bougher
James M. Bracken
Marie L. Brunet
Rannie L. Burt
William Brown
John Butchko
James G. Caminiti
Dorothy E. Campbell
Joseph Cantelupe
Marie E. Carlos
Fred S. Ceslak
Leona L. Chaussard
Elsie Mae Clark
Shirley Crawford
Jerry C. Danessa
Carolyn Dobresk
Alvin W. Douglas
Rosebud M. Drake
Margaret M. Duleba
Ellen Dvoryak
Mary Dzurinda
Mickey Dzurinda
Edward A. Ebeling
Frank J. Egercic
Steve Ellis
Mary E. English
Harry Ferm
Coe S. Fisher
Mathilda Fleischer
Gertrude Galizia
Catherine Geletka
Rose C. Gelfand
John Gibel
Wilmer C. Gross
Martha L. Grummel
Margaret Havrilla
Mary B. Heagney
Stella Hrenevich
Willma Ingram
William Jackson
Stanley Janusko
Dorothy Jones
Michael Kluchunka
Helen Koshan
Dorothy Kudelko
Pauline Kutnak
Merle Levine
Peter Leyshock
Frank Lichak
Michael Liscio
John Losik
Luther Low
Russell Lubinski
Ethel Madura
Steve Marin
Julia Marshall
Helen Elena Martin
Jennie Martin
Phillip Mason
Tressa Mason
Lewis Mastrian
John Mazuran
Elmer McDougall
Willard McDougall
Helen Miller
Helen Mihoc
Jessie Mitchell
Joseph Monaco
Joseph Morar
Alfred Morgan
James Morocco
Anthony Namey
Mildred Neeley
Harry Palmer
Anthony Pandza
Grace Perry
Alyce Phillips
William Phillips
Esther Prizant
Alta Quarterson
Virginia Quinn
Elsie Mae Rickenbrole
John Rimko
Joseph Rio
Ann Robich
Novella Robinson
Alice Roditch
Rachel Roquelplot
Irvine Rosenberg
Anthony Russo
Steve Samball
Lillian Sarcinella
Frank Schell
Frank Scott
Pauline Schenker
Helen Seaman
Ann Schuster
Mary Sirb
Catherine Smith
Margaret Smith
Bernard Songer
Margaret Sparano
Godfrey Steele
Louis Stefanak
Mary Stiftinger
Bessie Struck
Helen Szabo
John Szabo
Moran Tanner
Joseph Theil
John Theil
Helen Thomas
John Timko
August Toda
Frederick Toliver
Joseph Tomich
William Tontsch
Charles Toperzer
Joseph Toskin
Mary Udritch
Anthony Usnarski
Andrew Waliga
Ronald Wiley
Edward Williams
Andrew Wilson
Edward Winslow
Frances Wirbanich
John Wonner
Martha Woodfolk
Kathryn Yankovich
Josephine Zarella
Charles Zeigler
Francis Zimmerman
Rose Zoldan

[Under Construction]
Class photos to be posted.

A message from the Pedas Family
Any errors on these pages are unintentional. We welcome suggestions and contributions. Contact George Pedas. We are indebted to Ted Pedas for his generous funding of this project and to Kathy Pedas for her efforts in preparing the archival files. All rights reserved.   Contact Ted Pedas .