FASD — 1926 Alumni Archives

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[1926 Football SquadTeam]

A Basketball victory over Sharon inspired football tackle
Joe Vance (Pippy) to write the following.
Our Team!

Amid the cheers, and joyous tears,
And thousands of exaltations;
We'll always hear that famous cry,
Like from the throats of thirty nations;
Farrell Hi!   Farrell Hi!  Farrell Hi!

We beat Sharon Hi the other night,
A victory most astounding.
The boys, fought with all their might,
A victory most outstanding.
We'll beat Sharon Hi another night,
For the boys will fight with all their might!
We'll beat Sharon Hi another night!
And when we win we'll shout and cry,
Farrell Hi!   Farrell Hi!  Farrell Hi!

Then let us give three rousing cheers,
For our grand, glorious team —
Sharon! Oh waken from your slumber;
You've been beaten down and up,
You know we've got your number!
And you know right well we'll get that cup.
Then let us cheer and shout and cry;
For our grand team victorious!
Farrell Hi!   Farrell Hi!  Farrell Hi!

Farrell High School

Class of 1926

Edith Abraham
Florence Ackerman
Donald Armour
George Banish
Clara Berger
Andrew Bernard
Rose Bianco
Edward Bleier
Albert Bobby
George Bogdan
Freda Burprich
Margaret Cantelupe
James Carine
Joseph Carine
Charles Carroll
Peter Chesmar
Helen Chrobak
Marie Crivello
Olga Cevich
Mary Danessa
Mary Davis
Ruth Davis
Ralph Dresch
Victor Duncan
Walter Epstein
Margaret Evans
Frank Frankovitch
Helen Garfinkle
Joseph Geletka
Elias Gojdics
Glenn Gottschalk
Frank Grande — President
Ermissa Gray
Alice Griffith
Mary Gunesch
Hazel Hayes
George M. Henderson
Margaret Henning
Harry Housman
David Hunter
Gwendolyn Husband
Leo James — Vice President
Samuel G. Kabakov
Charles Kerr
May Belle Kerr
Johanna Klein
Irene Lacy
Helene Lansdowne
Eben Lawrence
Myrtle Lewis
Margaret Mack
John Mackey
Teresa Mambuca
Joseph Martino
Margaret McCallen
Bernard Meizlik
Michael Milankovitch
Robert M. Miller
Robert W. Miller
Elizabeth Morar
Harriette Moriniere
Paul Moss
Allen Myers
Ethel Newman
Stanley Newton
Alice Pascone
Helen Pilch
Frank Pintar
William J. Price
Ruth Prosser
Mary Rakoci
Guy Ranallo
Anita Rosenberg — Secretary
Myrtle Rosenblum
Anna Ruby
Elizabeth Ruffo
Albert Russo
Dominic Russo
Edmund Sabo
Mildred Sarcinella
Paul Satlos
James Scardina
Margaret Schaffer
Grace Schell
Helen Schlesinger
Edward Schonberger
Edna Mae Short
Edith Smith
Grace Smith
Paul Smith
Francis Songer
Katherine Spisak
Hazel Stewart
Margaret G. Stillstrom
John Strizzi
Viola Thompson
Warren C. Thompson
Sarah Miriam Tolatzko
John Torma
Madeline P. Tortoreti
Pauline I. Tortoreti
Michael Turchan
Gladys J. Wiley
Benjamin Zoldan
Freda Zoldan

[Under Construction]
Class photos to be posted.

A message from the Pedas Family
Any errors on these pages are unintentional. We welcome suggestions and contributions. Contact George Pedas. We are indebted to Ted Pedas for his generous funding of this project and to Kathy Pedas for her efforts in preparing the archival files. All rights reserved.   Contact Ted Pedas .